Thursday 19 December 2013

Life Tips. :)

Hello Everyone! <3

Another irregular post, but since i've nothing better to do right now ANYWAYS (okay actually, i do, but nonetheless!) i thought it'd be nice to post an entry right before the holidays, so here it is!

Nope, not Christmas cheer, though, sadly. Since lately cheer has been few and far between. Still, i AM grateful, and i AM happy, but the amount of happiness, i do think, doesn't quite add up to the amount of frustration.

I cannot wait for break, since that's some time away from everything (everyone?) that annoys me. And yeah, it's true, i'm not really a people-person.

Anyway, it's true that sometimes life is hard, but ya gotta make the best of what you've got. Sometimes we experience regret, but, i think that nothing is ever a coincidence, and that everything is by fate.

Sometimes, i feel as though i am lost in darkness, and i have no idea where to go, where to run, i cannot see, hear, touch, or feel, and it's a terrifying feeling.

but even in this darkness, there is this overbearing will, this will that screams, "I WANT TO LIVE. I DON'T WANT TO DIE. I WANT REDEMPTION."

and therefore, i will always try my best. even if i cannot fly, i will run. if i cannot run, i will walk. if i cannot walk, i will crawl. but no matter what it takes, i will most definitely pull myself out of the hell that i am living in right now.

So, I apologize if i am sounding darker than usual, and without further ado, here are some tips for living, whether you're going through a hard time or just living in general.



1) Appreciate. It's so easy to to blame others, to self-victimize, to think, "why is this happening to me?" and trust me, i've had those moments, many, many times before. but open your eyes. see the skies, and breath the air. the world is beautiful today. there are many things in your life that you can appreciate. yes, i am going through hell, but at the same time, there are so many things that i am grateful for in my life. things that haven't abandoned me, things that have been there for me. whether it be an inanimate object or a person, appreciate them. it's far better to appreciate than to curse.

2) Be kind. people may not always remember the things you've said, or the things you've done. but they will always remember how you made them feel. If you are kind, people will remember you favourably. I also think it's important to ask yourself, "what can i do for the world?" instead of "what can the world do for me?" Not all the time, of course, since balance is also important, but sometimes, considering others before oneself will bring good things.

3) Stay in good company. Of course, this cannot always be possible for everyone. sometimes you're stuck in bad company, and you just need to deal with it. but even so, always do your best to surround yourself with people that make you happy, and not those that make you miserable. if there's nothing you can do about it, then work towards it, as will I. I may not always be happy with where i am at the moment, but i will always do my best to bring myself to a place where i can smile happily.

4) Dream dreams. I am a high school student. Most high school students dream of going to a good, prestigious university. But it's good to have dreams aside from that. If you don't know where your heart is, then follow where your mind goes when it wanders. Dreaming dreams is the same as having hopes - it keeps us going, and determined to live, no matter what the circumstances are. Even the most impossible of dreams is worth a try. It's much better to live a life of "oh wells" then a life of "what ifs"

5) Don't let others bother you. You do your thing, they'll do theirs. they are not on this world to meet your expectations, nor are you on this world to meet theirs. you are you, and they are they. What they think of you is not important. At the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is your own. And think of it; is this a person that you would want in your life after ten years? if not, then don't give a crap about what they think or what they say. concentrate on yourself. easier said than done, but that's the truth.

6) Recognize the angel in your life. Everyone meets an angel sometime in their life. This angel might be their parents, their siblings, their friends, or even a lover. The angel is the one that makes everything feel right again, and will always comfort you and be there for you. The faster you realize who this angel is, the better. Treat him or her nice, since this one will go a long way in influencing you. But always remember, angels cry too. Don't let your angel cry.

7) Don't interfere. If it's none of your business then don't give it any thought. If it's going to rain, then there is really nothing you can do to stop is, right? So when comes time to things that don't involve you, don't dramaticize it, don't dwell on it. it's someone else's problem or issue, and let them fix it. don't wind yourself up in a tizzy for other people's problems.

8) Write a story. you'd be surprised at how your emotions and mental landscape portrays itself when you are writing, as when you write, it is from the heart. it's a good outlet for pent up emotions, and also a good way to give yourself a little bit of therapy if you're going through a hard time. words can express things that even music and art cannot.

9) Be strong. Yes, it's sometimes incredibly hard to be strong, and sometimes you'd much rather leap off a cliff than continue on. But you're here for a reason. there is always purpose in your life. so even in a dark time, do your best to be strong, ganbatte ne~!

10) Eat good food. To eat is to live after all. If you ever get hungry, then remember that is your body showing you that it is still determined to live.

11) Move on. It always seems easier to stay in "that place." that place that seems to be mediocre, that place that is safe. But always strive for something better. listen for the destination in your heart. I am not happy with where i am right now, and so naturally, i will do my best to change that. I won't let myself fall into the endless rut of something that i don't want. I will dig myself out, even if i have to force the skies to fall and the world to collapse. I absolutely will not stay here.

Soooo... it's been a bit lengthy, my apologies to you all. but this is your holiday gift! the key to a happier life.

Personally, i am indeed going through a hard time right now, and these are the skills i have applied to my life in hopes that it will turn out better.

So, i apologize for a dark and sad post on my part, but, i hope you can all take this to heart and lead a happier life! best of luck to all! <3

This is Re-Re, signing out~ sayonara~! <3 ^_^

Wednesday 18 December 2013

5 Things that Make or Break a Friendship \(^o^)/

Alas, i have failed to write for yet another week! How terrible of me, going back on such promises...

Anyway i am back, i'm sorry i haven't done any gymnastics updates so here's a quick one! Two weeks have passed since my last post, i have learned to do back handsprings on the floor now, and stopped wearing leotards to class as it is much too cold for that now. No big progressions as i have been beyond exhausted.

Yesterday i went skating with a few family members of mine, it was fabulous!

And now, to the main post, of which i hope will make up for my lost posts!

And of course, given that this is a positive blog (although i'm hoping for a negative one too!) let's begin with negative so we can end positively~! <3

Without further ado, let's start <3


5 Things that Break a Friendship (in no particular order)

1) Selfishness.

there is no room for selfishness in a friendship. Yes, everyone is entitled to feel selfish once in awhile, friendship is a selfish thing, in reality. both parties take and take and take, yet what makes it so is the mutuality. one takes and one gives, and then again, oppositely. yet, when it comes time that one side is giving more than she is receiving, then surely, this friendship is fated to hell. and if there is ever any confusion - the definition of selfishness is to think only of oneself without regards to anybody else. 

2) Ignorance

is closely tied in to selfishness. as long as one is able to admit their flaws or selfishness, then surely it is fixable. self-awareness is the catalyst of which better things come. but should one contain an ignorant disposition, such flaws cannot be fixed; surely the downfall of a friendship. to deny or to believe in, both of which especially to selfishness, would certainly destroy any friendship. if you cannot admit that you are flawed and attempt to fix them as i do my best to, then we are not meant to be friends. i will not stand for blind ignorance. 

3) Morals

majority of the world has morals, have they not? yet what if morals conflict? should one friend be tenderhearted and easily moved, and the other cruel and coldhearted? then surely it's not meant to be - should we ever hast a clash in morals, then let it be, let us not be friends. i say it's fine to have a friendly conversation, or to stay by them when one has nowhere else to go, but a long time thing? no way, nohow. 

4) Control

Ought anyone ever be overly controlling in a friendship? I say, if you try to control me, then sure, i suppose i will play along for awhile, a few months, maybe a year or two, but have no doubt: friends are definitely not truly friends if either attempts to be too controlling - i say to anyone who tries to control me - good riddance for you, and i look forward to the way we part ways. nothing makes you better than me, and therefore, you have no right to control me in any shape, way, or form. 

5) Limitlessness

everyone has limits. this is a given fact in life. even saints have limits. friends ought to know these limits and stay clear of them. if anyone was to push my limits, day after day, "poking the dog" per say, attempting to break that fine line between love and hate? well, i say go ahead. but when i leave and never return, don't go around wondering why. you know it well, wouldn't you? no one likes to be nudged closer and closer to their breaking point. it's unpleasant.

5 Things that Make a Friendship (in no particular order)

1) Safety

safety is a key issue among friends. yes, thrill is good, but thrill is more boyfriend material. a friendship ought to feel safe. it should be a warm word in your mouth that stays there like cotton candy - sweet and everlasting, soft and downy. 

2) Laughter

i like people who can make me laugh. i think everyone does. if someone can make you laugh so hard you forget all about your troubles, even momentarily, then i say that's a friend worth keeping. laughter is the best medicine, after all! 

3) Genuineness

it's rare to come across truly genuine people in the world. if you ever meet someone earnest and pure, then they would definitely make the best of friends. the opposite of a bad friend, who is underhanded, conniveing, and constantly scheming, the earnest friend would provide so much more. they are a team player - the best of the best. 

4) Common Interests

it's true that you can build a friendship out of nothing - situation often does that. but if you can so help it, a friend that can laugh and share the same things one cares about, is truly one of the best types of friends. much to talk about, much to achieve together. what more could we want? 

5) Understanding

everyone has nuances. those that can understand these nuances and navigate them properly are good friends. since that way, they never push your limits and you would never push theirs. 


On a final word, i do have to admit, i do not have a lot of friends in my life right now.

Aquaintinces i do have, as do i have pen-pals, but in all reality, my friends are few and far between.

And then again, to be truthful, some of these friends i think are simply not fated to be. our situation has put us together and held us there, and this aside, there really would be nothing to bind our friendship, nor to solidify it.

a final word of wisdom for all -

know the limits. and respect them. 


well, i was also late in posting this entry , i started it but didn't finish up till now . .. .

again, take these with a grain of salt, they are simply my opinions, and i also think i might start a new blog soon! It will be friendship based, and focuses on the metamorphysis of my own person.

And i will apologize for updates that are not routine, i'm going through a difficult time right now and i'm trying to sort things out.

Stay positive, all~! <3

Ganbatte ne~! <3 ^_^