Thursday 28 November 2013

Cutedorable Business / Business Casual Look!

Seems I've been straying from both Thursdays and Mondays lately, haven't I...

Here's a mid-week post, just for giggles! 

I was away at a MUN conference last weekend, and naturally, we all gotta wear business casuals! 

So, allow me to tell you (this is my own opinion) the most cutedorable way of wearing a business casual outfit! 


I like the minimalistic theme. 

So, all i had was...

--> Black tube skirt from Forever 21
--> White button up shirt (quarter sleeves and fits snugly) 
--> Skin coloured pantyhose 
--> Black heels 
--> Gray cotton blazer from Arizia 

Compared to other business suits i've seen girls wear, this is definitely cheaper! (yes, yes, i'm a cheap person. But we ain't all got money to spare!)


The premise of the entire outfit is that it fits snugly. It's not loosey goosey or anything. The blazer is tight, the shirt is tight, the skirt is tight. Not so much that it becomes obscene, but enough to show off those, yanno, bodily curves.

I mean, we girls are gifted with naturally soft looks, so why not show it off? It's like art, after all, since each one of us is artistically crafted ^^ 


I found that despite the fact i rather dislike wearing suits, this fitted me rather nicely.

and for once it didn't make me look like i have fat thighs! ^^ 

AND it made my tummy look flat!! 


Wish i had a photo to show ya'll, but, i dunno how to do that :P

Anyhow, that's the way a cutedorable Business look is, in my opinion! :D 

Try it out ;)

you'd be surprised how much nicer it looks compared to the normal business look with all those stiff blazers and stiff skirts ^^ 

Oh, and the length of your skirt depends on you, but since i think i have short legs, i wear it just above my fingertips so that it looks like i have long legs.

But i do pull the back down more than the front so i'm not like, walking around with my panties showing ^^;;; 

Although i am absentminded enough that it wouldn't surprise me if that happened.

Actually, today, at a school assembly, i forgot to wear shoes.


I think that explains a lot about me XD 

Anyhow, try out this cutedorable business casual look! 

it's precious! 

(Although i still like the kawaii schoolgirl look more, heehee <3 )


Monday 25 November 2013

Why Only One Bed??? Ya Try'na Ship Us Or Somethin'?????

OMG Guiz!

I missed Thursday's post...

I'm sorry... Gomen, gomen <3 ><;;

It's been quite a hectic week, i was preparing for a Model United Nations conference that was coming up, and so i didn't quite have the time to write... (that, and, i was procrastinating. I am the Queen of Procrastination! I'd rather just be Princess though)

So this Monday, i have TWO posts for ya'll!

This one details my uuber fun experience at the Model UN, and the one after will depict this day's gymnastics class!

So... let's get started!! <3

To begin with, me and Mango got into the same committee, IBC (International Bioethics Committee) which had two fun topics, Euthanasia and Human-Animal Embyros!

Also we chose a quad room with a third friend for the expense.

And let me say...

It did NOT turn out to be a quad room. It was a double. Meaning, two beds!

And we're like, weeeeeell, the choice seems pretty obvious here... our other friend is tall and slender and might as well get her own bed,

and since Mango and i both kick and poke when we sleep, we might as well bunk together and have a boxing match in the middle of the night instead of beating some poor girl up XD

So, that was what happened.

And yeah, the beds were quite small.

So we pushed it against a wall so that she could cuddle with a wall and not kick me off the edge.

Anyway, committee sessions were fun, i didn't talk a lot but sometimes i had to, and i would get so nervous that i would start shaking (i REALLY don't like public speaking!!)

And on the first time, i remember that it was pretty calm after lights out. The room one over was having a blast, and we were sleeping.

Mango came nowhere near me, just as well, so no fighting that night. We both slept peacefully, although she whined a couple of times when i pulled the blanket 'cuz i was cold.

The second night was a bit different.

We had a nice dinner with a couple of other delegates and retreated to our room after a disappointing social and also collected bears from Happy Meals...

And we decided to watch a horror movie!

Since i cannot really watch a horror movie and go take a shower (Or heck, even enter the washroom!) We both took showers first and then started watching...


Our friend was already sleeping.

And we watched...

oh, maybe 5 minutes.

Anytime she said a word that i considered creepy, like "corner" , or if she even smiled at me, i would flip out and start crying XDD

and so we finally gave up after i screamed a first time,

and then the second time she startled, and i screamed, and then we abandoned the entire idea.

She went to sleep, and when i did too, she rolled over and flopped her arm across my neck!

And i was thinking, "Oh dammmmmmmmmn, guuuuuurl ! Ya wanna strangle me ? ya wanna? ya wanna? come at me , bro!"

Anyway she didn't strangle me.

Thank Goodness XDD

And to my dear readers...

if you're hoping for some yuri or whatever, uhm, no, not happening XD

but ya wanna think random things?

I will leave it up to your own little mind la~

I'll entertain any notion.

I'm asexual after all.

I have no interest in girls, but currently, none in boys either! So, I suppose that makes me neither and both! Since i still want someone to cuddle with! XD

Also, i want a rainbow bear from Happy Meals!!

Get me a rainbow bear! ><;;


Tuesday 19 November 2013

Switching Gyms???


I was tardy posting again!! I am sooooo sorry to anyone who actually reads my blogs or follows them, i beg your forgiveness!! ><

Anyway, things have been not very motivating (for a lack of better words) in gymnastics lately. my body's ill and tired, and i'm often sluggish, which is a result of school...

Honestly, how DID i manage to keep up with 6hr/wk before? Must've been the youth. and the happiness. Oh, the innocent joys of childhood... (although that was a mere two years ago!)

Anyways, i opted to simply wear a tshirt this time to save myself the trouble of changing. So i wore a white tshirt that had a cute rabbit on it, and some light gray legging capri's.

we warmed up on floor first, as per usual, lines, all that stuff. no drills though, so lots of running back and forth, bear walking, pike walking (what's the difference, anyways?) hops, tuck jumps, stuff like that. it'd be nice to do skills but i suppose it was more of a conditioning class?

soon we moved onto the tumble trak, or as they call it, the "fast track" to do all our usual warm ups.

there was strong emphasis on dive rolls this time, since there was one girl who couldn't land her front tuck properly, and even after getting the boys to show her, she couldn't, so we did dive rolls instead.

and man, those boys demonstrating? Mmmmmm~ XD

we're talking HEIGHT man, and actually a roll, not a flop, like the rest of us :P

the advice was this -

"jump as high as you can, touch the mat, and then roll."

weeeeeel, let's say i got the "jump as high as i can" part, missed the "touch the mat" part, but got the "roll" part. so... 2/3 of the way there? ^^;;

we went to stretch afterwards and did this strange thing,

bridges on a beam! once with our hands on the beam and feet on the floor (it's a bit disturbing to just glance up and be able to see the backs of your legs, imo, but that's just my opinion) even more disturbing that i was basically standing. bu backwards. as in, no weight on my hands. which were on the beam. (low beam of course) it was CREEPY

and then legs on the beam and rock in bridges, which was nice and dandy and all

but i got a massive headache afterwards.

then to bars!



nooooooo! XD

we started out by hanging, and we would do 20 leg lifts. and then hang and do 30 tuck ups.

and then had a relay that consisted of:

- 20 seconds hanging
- 10 tuck ups

and then

- 20 seconds hanging
- 5 leg lifts

and also a hanging competition.

well, OW much? and i got the bar with less chalk on it, so i was adjusting my grip an awful lot!

Afterwards we worked on some skills, but i'm not wearing a leo so to heck with it if anyone thought i would do actual skills (i have a chubby belly, imo, so i don't want to reveal anything...)

and then we had to do chin ups, and appearntly, no reverse grip allowed, yet we all had to do it ANYWAYS so i could swear that i was gonna die.

then, to the beams!

tiptoe walking, kicks, doncky kicks (beginner handstands) and all that jazz, i could do it before! but i guess i lost my touch. yanno, the teenage years. you know how those are :P

then handstands and cartwheels, split leaps, wolf jumps, and all that good stuff :P

afterwards we retired to the trampoline.

i was so close to getting my front layout!

my hand acidently hit the mat as i was flipping so maybe it was more like a hybrid between front handspring and front layout though.

and really, that summarized it!

nothing new really, except that pounding migrane....

Oh yeah, and i'll be switching gyms in a month! only 3 more classes i think? 4?

And then i'll be going to a different gym!

Originally i was so excited, since i really love the coach at the other gym (although i am not sure if he is still coaching - - - i'd be in my right mind to ask him, since i've got him on FB! but i'm too shy and i wonder if he even will remember me...)

but then, this gym has some really amazing boys (they all make me wonder, what is a non-creepy way of saying to a guy, "i really like the way you flip and stuff... will you marry me?") and i'm kind of sad to see the last of them!

Although, i never talked to them ANYWAYS so it's NOT as though it'd make a difference.

I DO hope that when i go to this new gym that my favourite coach will be there :P

Even though he can't do cool tricks for us anymore, since the gym's gunna have the competitive girls and boys there, so we actually have to, yenno, work on skills, instead of climbing on walls or pretending to be Tarzan or what have you's.

So anyway,

that's about it for this time!

I'll post on time on Thursday though, i promise ^^

Or at least i'll do my best to :P

It's a really busy week!!

I mean, if ya'll want it, and if it will make up for my nonconsistant postings... I'll blog about some H stuff...


Nothing H has ever happened in my life. It's kind of pathetic at this age, but yenno, whatever. purity for the one true love. rah rah rah.

Oh, and,

don't scroll down if you're sensitive?


Pairing of the Week - Kaname Kuran x Zero Kiryuu!!

Avid fan of kanazero.

That's also my snapchat.

so like, go on, friend me. i dare you.



Saturday 16 November 2013

20 Types of People!

Oh my, i am late again aren't i? ><'

Gomenasai, minna-san!

Anyway, today i am going to talk about 20 people~ 10 types of people i hate and 10 types of people i love~! I think most of these are pretty universal except a select few in the 10 types of people i love :P

As a disclaimer, since everything needs a disclaimer,

most people i know (most people in general, too) are a mixture of the 20 different types of people.

I am not perfect, nor do i claim to be, so of course i also have some hateful attributes in me... heehee ^^

Anyway, i think that what makes people interesting is not just their attributes but also their flaws - although when a person's flaws overpower their attributes, that's when i start to feel a bit sketchy with this person.

My like for a person goes like this - it remains at its maximum all the time, even when they annoy me. When they annoy me, my base line with them goes down.

I will keep liking the said person until the very end - until i hit my bottom line,


so for an advice for every person out there,

if someone is lookin' pissed with you, lay off it for a couple of days, be all sweet and stuff, and don't push their limits ;) everyone has limits afterall ^^

anyway, without further ado, ten people i love and hate!! (in no particular order)


1) Know It All's
it's okay if you want to prove how intelligent you are, i completely respect that in a person. intelligence is sexy. it's also kawaii. but when it comes to the point where you insist on being right about EVERYTHING (even when you're clearly wrong) then it's time to lay it off. it's infuriating, especially because i am prideful. 

2) Whiners and Complainers
okay, i admit to being one of these. i always whine about things. but come on, people... time is golden. but duct tape is silver. shut up or put up. 

3) Clingers
i love feeling needed. i think everyone loves feeling needed. there's no better feeling in the world, then knowing someone depends on you and needs you. but when it comes point where someone needs me to be with them even when i have important things to attend to, then f*ck off. 

4) Tsunderes
it's kawaii in animes but not so much in real life. if you act tsundere all the time, then i'd rather be alone. i don't believe that outside you can be abusive and mean but inside you actually love me and care for me. if you love me then you won't hurt my feelings, end of story. 

5) Naggers
if you said it once, i will remember. say it more than twice, then i will purposely forget to piss you off. 

6) Normal People (Or those who claim to be)
i'm not normal. I don't think anyone is normal. Because it doesn't exist. But if anyone ever asks me, "can you be more *normal*?" then i think i'm gonna lose my sh*t. i am NOT normal. I never claimed to be. if you want someone normal, then i'm not for you. i'm a proud, anime-loving, game-crazy, immature little NOT normal yet shy brat. if you want "normal", go buy a washing machine. 

7) Cruel People
it's very rare to meet truly cruel people, but i dislike cruelty even in theory. no one's Mother Theresa, but everyone deserves sympathy when going through a difficult time. if you cannot be sympathetic, we cannot be friends. I cannot possibly tolerate someone who has a cruel heart. i am far from innocent, but there is this saying, "be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a difficult battle." 

8) Negative People
i believe we all have our downfalls, we all have our sadness. but i want mutual positivity instead of mutual negativity. i want to inspire people, and encourage them, and i want them to do the same for me. if they bring me down or insists on being a "black hole", well, bullocks for you, then. that's not for me. 

9) "It's okay for me but not for you" People
i believe in mutuality in friendships and relationships. if there is a "i can do it but you cannot" moment, well, let's say that it just lowered my respect for you a little bit. it's not okay if you can poke fun at me to other people but i cannot do the same to you. equality for all! Rah rah rah! 

10) Those that don't keep Promises
if you can't do something, then don't promise it. naturally, when comes time that i believe your promises are as worthless as a penny, i will never do another thing for you, you lousy louse. 


1) The Mentor
everyone needs a mentor in their life. someone that inspires good things, that encourages good things, that teaches you things that you cannot learn from anyone else. a role model, if you will. i love people who inspire me and teach me new things. 

2) The "Always There"
whether this person is your friend or a far away person you have never met before, i think that the person who you can talk to on a deep, emotional level as well as have fun with, is one of the most cherished peoples ever. where would i be without my little "always there" friend? 

3) Sweet People
and i'm not talking about those that can sugar-coat words like a master. I'm talking about genuinely sweet people who honestly care about you, your feelings, and your well-being. those that will help without expecting something in return, those that will spark you to life. 

4) Otaku's and Gamers
honey, if you are an otaku or a gamer, that's +5000 charisma for you. i LOVE otaku's and gamer's. i don't know what it is about them, but something about these people just have a certain charm, something that makes me admire them and like them.

5) Writers
i love writing. it's my passion. i also love reading. so i also love those that are writers, as we can exchange ideas, give criticism, proofread, and if they're also an anime fan...? we can roleplay! hahahha! <3 

6) The Cuddler
i'm a sucker for cuddles. and i'm not just talking hugs. whether you're my friend or my fairytale prince charming, if you lean on me, or hold my hand, or play with my hair, or sit close to me and keep me warm when we are together? i automatically like you, and the cuddler can veto almost everything that i dislike in a person. that's how strong my desire for comfort is. i'm a lonely person after all. i just want someone to make me feel loved. 

7) We're From the Same Place!!
i love people who come from my place of ancestry. honestly i've only met two of them but both clicked with me and despite knowing them for such short times, we could have such meaningful and fun conversations! 

8) Kindhearted People
who doesn't love a kind person? i love people that are nice. nice people are almost always purehearted people as well. even though deep, complex people have their charms, a kind, simple person is also a great friend. because these people, much like sweet people, are soft spoken and care much for others. i think that anyone who can think of others before themselves is a wonderful, wonderful person to be around. 

9) Playful Types
whether it's the avid party-goer or the fun jokester, everyone needs some fun once in awhile! I'm not usually associated with these types of people due to my "shy unless you're a close friend" personality, but if you can make me laugh, i probably like you. if you can include me, then all the more. i love playful people. quirky people. fun people. 

10) Meaningful People, Deep People
i love having deep and meaningful conversations. it's nice to have depth in a person. 


So there you have it!

My top ten most hated and top ten most loved aspects of a person! There's definitely more, for example "those that don't know limits" in hate, or "those that love travelling" in love,


that's the most basic, minna-san! <3

And of course i don't claim to be perfect. My bad probably outweighs my good. Should i examine myself, then?


I'm a bit snooty at times, and also insecure. I can be argumentative but at the same time i'm a bit passive aggressive. I often don't keep my promises, and sometimes i'm very negative and complain a lot. i'm overly sensitive and a bit of a worrywart. i have a tendancy to keep it all in and then explode as well, instead of talking it out when the problem is just in the bud.

but to be fair, i have good attributes too -

i'm usually quite good; i try to think the best of people and i try not to judge. i can be very sweet at times although it's not always genuine. i forgive easily and i can adapt to many different kinds of people, and i usually do look out for the best interests of others.

i can say i'm pretty balanced in terms of good and bad. ^^

What about you? ;)

'Till next time, then! <3


Tuesday 12 November 2013

What Girls Look for In a Guy ^^

Uwaaa~ Who am i to start talking about what girls look for in a guy?? 

It's a belated post, luvs! I apologize! Yesterday was Rememberance Day so there was no class, therefore there was no post. But here's the post for today! ^^ 

On a topic that is not gymnastics since there was no gymnastics this week :(( 

What Girls Look For in a Guy!!!


I don't know what girls look for in a guy ;) 

I've heard a lot of things, "charming" or "good looking" or "charismatic" or "nice" or "funny"

But is there a perfect guy out there that is all of these things? 

I don't think so.

It's because everyone has flaws that make life (and relationships!) so interesting... not that i'd know, since i've never been in one ^^; 

Even if there was a perfect guy out there, i don't think i'd want him.

What good is a guy who is perfect? That isn't fun at all! 

To put it simple, i think girls look for everything and nothing in a guy. Since, some guys can be the embodiment of one of the girl's wants, but still have a flaw that she absolutely despise.

What do *I* look for in a guy?

Ohohoho that's simple ;)

I don't.


I'm still a maiden at heart, looking for my knight in shining armour ;D 

Ya wanna know what i look for?

It's all simple, really. ^^ 

In no particular order i look for....

1) Interests --> What's the use in a guy who won't cosplay with me? who doesn't love anime? who doesn't play games? who doesn't enjoy fantasy novels? 

2) Horror fan --> i love horror. i'm a huge scaredy cat but i love horror. +100 charisma if said dude will watch horror movies with me, play horror games with me, tell scary stories to me, explore creepy places with me. ^^ 

3) Love of Travel --> i want to travel, i love to travel, i want someone who also loves to travel so we can travel together :D 

4) Tenderness --> i'm a bit childish, a little immature, and very airheaded at times (although not stupid) so i want a dude that loves me enough to cherish me and take care of me so that i will always feel safe and loved. ^^ 

If you're here looking for advice you're in the wrong place to be, bud~ 

But i suspect that most girls look for the same things.

To share interests and to love them unconditionally.

Although i don't mind if someone doesn't love me the way a whale loves krill. As long as they provide me with warmth and comfort, i don't give a damn if they love me or not ^^ 

Though i wonder...

Does that make me heartless?

I don't intend it that way....

Aiyaaa~ feels as though when time drags on my entries get more and more like a diary ^^;

you'll have to excuse me for that, luvs.

I'll make the next one better. 

Stay with me, onegai! 



Friday 8 November 2013

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Why, game, why???!!!

I started writing an entry for yesterday as promised, but i didn't finish, since i got sidetracked...

and then promptly ran into one of my most unfavourite things ever!!!

I could fix it probably, but.. but..

Okay, let's lay the story first, and i'll try not to sound too bitter about it, although it is quite difficult for me to not sound bitter from it, given that it involves a guy, a really cute guy,

a fictional guy, but a guy nonetheless.

Alright, so, excuse me for sounding silly but i guess i always sound silly so i have nothing to defend myself with...

Okay... [deep breath]

I was playing Fire Emblem Awakening and i realized that in Chapter 6 there is a recruitable character named Gaius. He is TOTALLY cute. He's SO adorable.

And just my luck, i probably had him killed or something i don't actually know.

Chapter 6 was a LONG time ago.

[sobs loudly] this is so UNFAIR!! I wish someone had TOLD me!! [sob, sniffle, cry]

I must sound so undignified right now but it's really difficult to keep my cool sometimes Q_Q

I'd totally go back, as in, start over, just to recruit him... (and two others that i forgot about) but at the same time, i really, really don't want to...

I mean, i've spent a lot of time fighting Risen on the map just to get my characters to gain levels, i really don't feel like starting all over again.

I wish i knew what to do... I can't decide, can't decide, can't decide :(

And now i am wondering if i can access all the children... Can i? can i? If i can't then i really don't care that i missed some characters...

[deep, woeful sigh]

It's sad that i had to post a sad entry but i suppose it couldn't be helped.

I needed to say it somewhere, to someone.

and everybody i know doesn't give a fig about this kind of stuff.

I wish someone would give a fig but then i suppose that's what blogs are for... maybe.. haha~

Well, that's really frustrating!!!

i suppose i'll go do some research on this... and if all children are accessible despite not recruiting certain characters...

then i won't give a fig either.

but he's a good character.

he's no weakling.

so i'd be sad anyways.




For the matter, i paired up My Unit with Chrom. Because they're SO KAWAII DESU NE. haha...

I was considering pairing My Unit with Lon'Qu because that's also SO KAWAII DESU NE. i know they're not exactly canon pairings but I don't give a fig. they're cute.

Oh, Lon'Qu is paired with Lissa for me. because [you know what i'm gunna say.. hehe~]

I think none of my pairings, except Nowi and Gregor, are canon. I also don't intend them to be canon. I do my own thing. ;) It's cuter that way! :D

Although there was someone... i think it was Cordelia... maybe i'm wrong... (since i dont really use her i don't really know...) that i will put in a canon pairing... (deep sigh)

and i'll say something else, some of you might not want to hear it, if you don't, then don't scroll down!!

Chrom and Lon'Qu... i totally ship it <3 XDD <3 <3 <3

Monday 4 November 2013

Gymnastics is NOT exponential growth!!

Monday again! Happy Monday!! Happy Favourite Things post!!


Anyway, Monday rolls around again and it's time for gymnastics ! But slowly and slowly gymnastics slips from being "my favourite thing" because i am not learning a lot and i am not improving a lot, and with school weighing down on me, it's getting more and more difficult to keep up, since my body is just SO exhuasted from school that i cannot really do well in gymnastics!

Anyway, we started out on the Tumble Trak today which is good, since i really do dislike lines! We do the per usual, jumping and hopping, and at the end, handstand flatback, or dive rolls, or front tuck, or front layout.

Handstand flatback is easy peasy lemon squeezy, dive rolls are okay but disorienting (can't really do them on a soft surface, yanno?) i love front tucks, and front layouts still don't flow with me.


We only did floor today which is perfectly fine with me!

We started doing easy skills first, like kick handstand from both legs, and handstand pops, handstand walking - which i got a stroke of luck in and managed to hold out for 1/3 of the length we were walking ;)

Also, front limbers, straddle roll to incurve rocking, and things like that.

Cartwheels, standing round offs, power hurdle round offs,

And eventually we split into groups.

the littler girls were working on things i cannot really remember. me and three other girls were doing back walkovers and front walkovers.

Eventually we moved onto our own stations, i was doing front handspring step-outs, a girl my age was doing round off back handsprings, the other was working standing back handsprings (which i think is actually harder since it lacks the momentum of the round off rebound) and the other worked on back walkovers with a one foot take-off

I also did some side aerials which i achieved a few times before but today i guess i was exhausted so i was unable to... :(

The girl my age could do a front aerial though ;) amazing! <3

We ended playing a game of Octopus and there was a lot of running and giggling.

I'm a fast runner although my stamina is not high. I was last to be caught.

But i fail at being the Octopus!

I get distracted because everyone is running, and this is a bit sad but, at one point, i cried out, "why can't i catch anyone?!"

And a boy, a cute ribbed boy, called to me, "you gotta focus on one person! right now you're like a dog!" and i'm sure he meant because dogs are easily distracted, but i was like, o_o; well that's rude... anyway.

SAD! *humph!*

BTW look forward to Wednesday or Thursday for some old pixelated horror game reviews ! ^^

Halloween just passed so i spent a lot of time on these. :P I like it more than modern horror games ^^

Mostly because modern games are either too creepy, or too gorey, and if it's gorey i feel like puking, if it's creepy then i need a companion but no one wants to play with me :( So then i just scream and hide and run around like a headless chicken while my character dies. ><;

So.... YEAH.

Newest Pokemon came out lately... I'm not allowed to get it though, because i haven't been accepted to a university yet. Phooey. Hurry up and accept me, universities............... Q_Q

~Re Re~