Thursday 19 December 2013

Life Tips. :)

Hello Everyone! <3

Another irregular post, but since i've nothing better to do right now ANYWAYS (okay actually, i do, but nonetheless!) i thought it'd be nice to post an entry right before the holidays, so here it is!

Nope, not Christmas cheer, though, sadly. Since lately cheer has been few and far between. Still, i AM grateful, and i AM happy, but the amount of happiness, i do think, doesn't quite add up to the amount of frustration.

I cannot wait for break, since that's some time away from everything (everyone?) that annoys me. And yeah, it's true, i'm not really a people-person.

Anyway, it's true that sometimes life is hard, but ya gotta make the best of what you've got. Sometimes we experience regret, but, i think that nothing is ever a coincidence, and that everything is by fate.

Sometimes, i feel as though i am lost in darkness, and i have no idea where to go, where to run, i cannot see, hear, touch, or feel, and it's a terrifying feeling.

but even in this darkness, there is this overbearing will, this will that screams, "I WANT TO LIVE. I DON'T WANT TO DIE. I WANT REDEMPTION."

and therefore, i will always try my best. even if i cannot fly, i will run. if i cannot run, i will walk. if i cannot walk, i will crawl. but no matter what it takes, i will most definitely pull myself out of the hell that i am living in right now.

So, I apologize if i am sounding darker than usual, and without further ado, here are some tips for living, whether you're going through a hard time or just living in general.



1) Appreciate. It's so easy to to blame others, to self-victimize, to think, "why is this happening to me?" and trust me, i've had those moments, many, many times before. but open your eyes. see the skies, and breath the air. the world is beautiful today. there are many things in your life that you can appreciate. yes, i am going through hell, but at the same time, there are so many things that i am grateful for in my life. things that haven't abandoned me, things that have been there for me. whether it be an inanimate object or a person, appreciate them. it's far better to appreciate than to curse.

2) Be kind. people may not always remember the things you've said, or the things you've done. but they will always remember how you made them feel. If you are kind, people will remember you favourably. I also think it's important to ask yourself, "what can i do for the world?" instead of "what can the world do for me?" Not all the time, of course, since balance is also important, but sometimes, considering others before oneself will bring good things.

3) Stay in good company. Of course, this cannot always be possible for everyone. sometimes you're stuck in bad company, and you just need to deal with it. but even so, always do your best to surround yourself with people that make you happy, and not those that make you miserable. if there's nothing you can do about it, then work towards it, as will I. I may not always be happy with where i am at the moment, but i will always do my best to bring myself to a place where i can smile happily.

4) Dream dreams. I am a high school student. Most high school students dream of going to a good, prestigious university. But it's good to have dreams aside from that. If you don't know where your heart is, then follow where your mind goes when it wanders. Dreaming dreams is the same as having hopes - it keeps us going, and determined to live, no matter what the circumstances are. Even the most impossible of dreams is worth a try. It's much better to live a life of "oh wells" then a life of "what ifs"

5) Don't let others bother you. You do your thing, they'll do theirs. they are not on this world to meet your expectations, nor are you on this world to meet theirs. you are you, and they are they. What they think of you is not important. At the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is your own. And think of it; is this a person that you would want in your life after ten years? if not, then don't give a crap about what they think or what they say. concentrate on yourself. easier said than done, but that's the truth.

6) Recognize the angel in your life. Everyone meets an angel sometime in their life. This angel might be their parents, their siblings, their friends, or even a lover. The angel is the one that makes everything feel right again, and will always comfort you and be there for you. The faster you realize who this angel is, the better. Treat him or her nice, since this one will go a long way in influencing you. But always remember, angels cry too. Don't let your angel cry.

7) Don't interfere. If it's none of your business then don't give it any thought. If it's going to rain, then there is really nothing you can do to stop is, right? So when comes time to things that don't involve you, don't dramaticize it, don't dwell on it. it's someone else's problem or issue, and let them fix it. don't wind yourself up in a tizzy for other people's problems.

8) Write a story. you'd be surprised at how your emotions and mental landscape portrays itself when you are writing, as when you write, it is from the heart. it's a good outlet for pent up emotions, and also a good way to give yourself a little bit of therapy if you're going through a hard time. words can express things that even music and art cannot.

9) Be strong. Yes, it's sometimes incredibly hard to be strong, and sometimes you'd much rather leap off a cliff than continue on. But you're here for a reason. there is always purpose in your life. so even in a dark time, do your best to be strong, ganbatte ne~!

10) Eat good food. To eat is to live after all. If you ever get hungry, then remember that is your body showing you that it is still determined to live.

11) Move on. It always seems easier to stay in "that place." that place that seems to be mediocre, that place that is safe. But always strive for something better. listen for the destination in your heart. I am not happy with where i am right now, and so naturally, i will do my best to change that. I won't let myself fall into the endless rut of something that i don't want. I will dig myself out, even if i have to force the skies to fall and the world to collapse. I absolutely will not stay here.

Soooo... it's been a bit lengthy, my apologies to you all. but this is your holiday gift! the key to a happier life.

Personally, i am indeed going through a hard time right now, and these are the skills i have applied to my life in hopes that it will turn out better.

So, i apologize for a dark and sad post on my part, but, i hope you can all take this to heart and lead a happier life! best of luck to all! <3

This is Re-Re, signing out~ sayonara~! <3 ^_^

Wednesday 18 December 2013

5 Things that Make or Break a Friendship \(^o^)/

Alas, i have failed to write for yet another week! How terrible of me, going back on such promises...

Anyway i am back, i'm sorry i haven't done any gymnastics updates so here's a quick one! Two weeks have passed since my last post, i have learned to do back handsprings on the floor now, and stopped wearing leotards to class as it is much too cold for that now. No big progressions as i have been beyond exhausted.

Yesterday i went skating with a few family members of mine, it was fabulous!

And now, to the main post, of which i hope will make up for my lost posts!

And of course, given that this is a positive blog (although i'm hoping for a negative one too!) let's begin with negative so we can end positively~! <3

Without further ado, let's start <3


5 Things that Break a Friendship (in no particular order)

1) Selfishness.

there is no room for selfishness in a friendship. Yes, everyone is entitled to feel selfish once in awhile, friendship is a selfish thing, in reality. both parties take and take and take, yet what makes it so is the mutuality. one takes and one gives, and then again, oppositely. yet, when it comes time that one side is giving more than she is receiving, then surely, this friendship is fated to hell. and if there is ever any confusion - the definition of selfishness is to think only of oneself without regards to anybody else. 

2) Ignorance

is closely tied in to selfishness. as long as one is able to admit their flaws or selfishness, then surely it is fixable. self-awareness is the catalyst of which better things come. but should one contain an ignorant disposition, such flaws cannot be fixed; surely the downfall of a friendship. to deny or to believe in, both of which especially to selfishness, would certainly destroy any friendship. if you cannot admit that you are flawed and attempt to fix them as i do my best to, then we are not meant to be friends. i will not stand for blind ignorance. 

3) Morals

majority of the world has morals, have they not? yet what if morals conflict? should one friend be tenderhearted and easily moved, and the other cruel and coldhearted? then surely it's not meant to be - should we ever hast a clash in morals, then let it be, let us not be friends. i say it's fine to have a friendly conversation, or to stay by them when one has nowhere else to go, but a long time thing? no way, nohow. 

4) Control

Ought anyone ever be overly controlling in a friendship? I say, if you try to control me, then sure, i suppose i will play along for awhile, a few months, maybe a year or two, but have no doubt: friends are definitely not truly friends if either attempts to be too controlling - i say to anyone who tries to control me - good riddance for you, and i look forward to the way we part ways. nothing makes you better than me, and therefore, you have no right to control me in any shape, way, or form. 

5) Limitlessness

everyone has limits. this is a given fact in life. even saints have limits. friends ought to know these limits and stay clear of them. if anyone was to push my limits, day after day, "poking the dog" per say, attempting to break that fine line between love and hate? well, i say go ahead. but when i leave and never return, don't go around wondering why. you know it well, wouldn't you? no one likes to be nudged closer and closer to their breaking point. it's unpleasant.

5 Things that Make a Friendship (in no particular order)

1) Safety

safety is a key issue among friends. yes, thrill is good, but thrill is more boyfriend material. a friendship ought to feel safe. it should be a warm word in your mouth that stays there like cotton candy - sweet and everlasting, soft and downy. 

2) Laughter

i like people who can make me laugh. i think everyone does. if someone can make you laugh so hard you forget all about your troubles, even momentarily, then i say that's a friend worth keeping. laughter is the best medicine, after all! 

3) Genuineness

it's rare to come across truly genuine people in the world. if you ever meet someone earnest and pure, then they would definitely make the best of friends. the opposite of a bad friend, who is underhanded, conniveing, and constantly scheming, the earnest friend would provide so much more. they are a team player - the best of the best. 

4) Common Interests

it's true that you can build a friendship out of nothing - situation often does that. but if you can so help it, a friend that can laugh and share the same things one cares about, is truly one of the best types of friends. much to talk about, much to achieve together. what more could we want? 

5) Understanding

everyone has nuances. those that can understand these nuances and navigate them properly are good friends. since that way, they never push your limits and you would never push theirs. 


On a final word, i do have to admit, i do not have a lot of friends in my life right now.

Aquaintinces i do have, as do i have pen-pals, but in all reality, my friends are few and far between.

And then again, to be truthful, some of these friends i think are simply not fated to be. our situation has put us together and held us there, and this aside, there really would be nothing to bind our friendship, nor to solidify it.

a final word of wisdom for all -

know the limits. and respect them. 


well, i was also late in posting this entry , i started it but didn't finish up till now . .. .

again, take these with a grain of salt, they are simply my opinions, and i also think i might start a new blog soon! It will be friendship based, and focuses on the metamorphysis of my own person.

And i will apologize for updates that are not routine, i'm going through a difficult time right now and i'm trying to sort things out.

Stay positive, all~! <3

Ganbatte ne~! <3 ^_^


Thursday 28 November 2013

Cutedorable Business / Business Casual Look!

Seems I've been straying from both Thursdays and Mondays lately, haven't I...

Here's a mid-week post, just for giggles! 

I was away at a MUN conference last weekend, and naturally, we all gotta wear business casuals! 

So, allow me to tell you (this is my own opinion) the most cutedorable way of wearing a business casual outfit! 


I like the minimalistic theme. 

So, all i had was...

--> Black tube skirt from Forever 21
--> White button up shirt (quarter sleeves and fits snugly) 
--> Skin coloured pantyhose 
--> Black heels 
--> Gray cotton blazer from Arizia 

Compared to other business suits i've seen girls wear, this is definitely cheaper! (yes, yes, i'm a cheap person. But we ain't all got money to spare!)


The premise of the entire outfit is that it fits snugly. It's not loosey goosey or anything. The blazer is tight, the shirt is tight, the skirt is tight. Not so much that it becomes obscene, but enough to show off those, yanno, bodily curves.

I mean, we girls are gifted with naturally soft looks, so why not show it off? It's like art, after all, since each one of us is artistically crafted ^^ 


I found that despite the fact i rather dislike wearing suits, this fitted me rather nicely.

and for once it didn't make me look like i have fat thighs! ^^ 

AND it made my tummy look flat!! 


Wish i had a photo to show ya'll, but, i dunno how to do that :P

Anyhow, that's the way a cutedorable Business look is, in my opinion! :D 

Try it out ;)

you'd be surprised how much nicer it looks compared to the normal business look with all those stiff blazers and stiff skirts ^^ 

Oh, and the length of your skirt depends on you, but since i think i have short legs, i wear it just above my fingertips so that it looks like i have long legs.

But i do pull the back down more than the front so i'm not like, walking around with my panties showing ^^;;; 

Although i am absentminded enough that it wouldn't surprise me if that happened.

Actually, today, at a school assembly, i forgot to wear shoes.


I think that explains a lot about me XD 

Anyhow, try out this cutedorable business casual look! 

it's precious! 

(Although i still like the kawaii schoolgirl look more, heehee <3 )


Monday 25 November 2013

Why Only One Bed??? Ya Try'na Ship Us Or Somethin'?????

OMG Guiz!

I missed Thursday's post...

I'm sorry... Gomen, gomen <3 ><;;

It's been quite a hectic week, i was preparing for a Model United Nations conference that was coming up, and so i didn't quite have the time to write... (that, and, i was procrastinating. I am the Queen of Procrastination! I'd rather just be Princess though)

So this Monday, i have TWO posts for ya'll!

This one details my uuber fun experience at the Model UN, and the one after will depict this day's gymnastics class!

So... let's get started!! <3

To begin with, me and Mango got into the same committee, IBC (International Bioethics Committee) which had two fun topics, Euthanasia and Human-Animal Embyros!

Also we chose a quad room with a third friend for the expense.

And let me say...

It did NOT turn out to be a quad room. It was a double. Meaning, two beds!

And we're like, weeeeeell, the choice seems pretty obvious here... our other friend is tall and slender and might as well get her own bed,

and since Mango and i both kick and poke when we sleep, we might as well bunk together and have a boxing match in the middle of the night instead of beating some poor girl up XD

So, that was what happened.

And yeah, the beds were quite small.

So we pushed it against a wall so that she could cuddle with a wall and not kick me off the edge.

Anyway, committee sessions were fun, i didn't talk a lot but sometimes i had to, and i would get so nervous that i would start shaking (i REALLY don't like public speaking!!)

And on the first time, i remember that it was pretty calm after lights out. The room one over was having a blast, and we were sleeping.

Mango came nowhere near me, just as well, so no fighting that night. We both slept peacefully, although she whined a couple of times when i pulled the blanket 'cuz i was cold.

The second night was a bit different.

We had a nice dinner with a couple of other delegates and retreated to our room after a disappointing social and also collected bears from Happy Meals...

And we decided to watch a horror movie!

Since i cannot really watch a horror movie and go take a shower (Or heck, even enter the washroom!) We both took showers first and then started watching...


Our friend was already sleeping.

And we watched...

oh, maybe 5 minutes.

Anytime she said a word that i considered creepy, like "corner" , or if she even smiled at me, i would flip out and start crying XDD

and so we finally gave up after i screamed a first time,

and then the second time she startled, and i screamed, and then we abandoned the entire idea.

She went to sleep, and when i did too, she rolled over and flopped her arm across my neck!

And i was thinking, "Oh dammmmmmmmmn, guuuuuurl ! Ya wanna strangle me ? ya wanna? ya wanna? come at me , bro!"

Anyway she didn't strangle me.

Thank Goodness XDD

And to my dear readers...

if you're hoping for some yuri or whatever, uhm, no, not happening XD

but ya wanna think random things?

I will leave it up to your own little mind la~

I'll entertain any notion.

I'm asexual after all.

I have no interest in girls, but currently, none in boys either! So, I suppose that makes me neither and both! Since i still want someone to cuddle with! XD

Also, i want a rainbow bear from Happy Meals!!

Get me a rainbow bear! ><;;


Tuesday 19 November 2013

Switching Gyms???


I was tardy posting again!! I am sooooo sorry to anyone who actually reads my blogs or follows them, i beg your forgiveness!! ><

Anyway, things have been not very motivating (for a lack of better words) in gymnastics lately. my body's ill and tired, and i'm often sluggish, which is a result of school...

Honestly, how DID i manage to keep up with 6hr/wk before? Must've been the youth. and the happiness. Oh, the innocent joys of childhood... (although that was a mere two years ago!)

Anyways, i opted to simply wear a tshirt this time to save myself the trouble of changing. So i wore a white tshirt that had a cute rabbit on it, and some light gray legging capri's.

we warmed up on floor first, as per usual, lines, all that stuff. no drills though, so lots of running back and forth, bear walking, pike walking (what's the difference, anyways?) hops, tuck jumps, stuff like that. it'd be nice to do skills but i suppose it was more of a conditioning class?

soon we moved onto the tumble trak, or as they call it, the "fast track" to do all our usual warm ups.

there was strong emphasis on dive rolls this time, since there was one girl who couldn't land her front tuck properly, and even after getting the boys to show her, she couldn't, so we did dive rolls instead.

and man, those boys demonstrating? Mmmmmm~ XD

we're talking HEIGHT man, and actually a roll, not a flop, like the rest of us :P

the advice was this -

"jump as high as you can, touch the mat, and then roll."

weeeeeel, let's say i got the "jump as high as i can" part, missed the "touch the mat" part, but got the "roll" part. so... 2/3 of the way there? ^^;;

we went to stretch afterwards and did this strange thing,

bridges on a beam! once with our hands on the beam and feet on the floor (it's a bit disturbing to just glance up and be able to see the backs of your legs, imo, but that's just my opinion) even more disturbing that i was basically standing. bu backwards. as in, no weight on my hands. which were on the beam. (low beam of course) it was CREEPY

and then legs on the beam and rock in bridges, which was nice and dandy and all

but i got a massive headache afterwards.

then to bars!



nooooooo! XD

we started out by hanging, and we would do 20 leg lifts. and then hang and do 30 tuck ups.

and then had a relay that consisted of:

- 20 seconds hanging
- 10 tuck ups

and then

- 20 seconds hanging
- 5 leg lifts

and also a hanging competition.

well, OW much? and i got the bar with less chalk on it, so i was adjusting my grip an awful lot!

Afterwards we worked on some skills, but i'm not wearing a leo so to heck with it if anyone thought i would do actual skills (i have a chubby belly, imo, so i don't want to reveal anything...)

and then we had to do chin ups, and appearntly, no reverse grip allowed, yet we all had to do it ANYWAYS so i could swear that i was gonna die.

then, to the beams!

tiptoe walking, kicks, doncky kicks (beginner handstands) and all that jazz, i could do it before! but i guess i lost my touch. yanno, the teenage years. you know how those are :P

then handstands and cartwheels, split leaps, wolf jumps, and all that good stuff :P

afterwards we retired to the trampoline.

i was so close to getting my front layout!

my hand acidently hit the mat as i was flipping so maybe it was more like a hybrid between front handspring and front layout though.

and really, that summarized it!

nothing new really, except that pounding migrane....

Oh yeah, and i'll be switching gyms in a month! only 3 more classes i think? 4?

And then i'll be going to a different gym!

Originally i was so excited, since i really love the coach at the other gym (although i am not sure if he is still coaching - - - i'd be in my right mind to ask him, since i've got him on FB! but i'm too shy and i wonder if he even will remember me...)

but then, this gym has some really amazing boys (they all make me wonder, what is a non-creepy way of saying to a guy, "i really like the way you flip and stuff... will you marry me?") and i'm kind of sad to see the last of them!

Although, i never talked to them ANYWAYS so it's NOT as though it'd make a difference.

I DO hope that when i go to this new gym that my favourite coach will be there :P

Even though he can't do cool tricks for us anymore, since the gym's gunna have the competitive girls and boys there, so we actually have to, yenno, work on skills, instead of climbing on walls or pretending to be Tarzan or what have you's.

So anyway,

that's about it for this time!

I'll post on time on Thursday though, i promise ^^

Or at least i'll do my best to :P

It's a really busy week!!

I mean, if ya'll want it, and if it will make up for my nonconsistant postings... I'll blog about some H stuff...


Nothing H has ever happened in my life. It's kind of pathetic at this age, but yenno, whatever. purity for the one true love. rah rah rah.

Oh, and,

don't scroll down if you're sensitive?


Pairing of the Week - Kaname Kuran x Zero Kiryuu!!

Avid fan of kanazero.

That's also my snapchat.

so like, go on, friend me. i dare you.



Saturday 16 November 2013

20 Types of People!

Oh my, i am late again aren't i? ><'

Gomenasai, minna-san!

Anyway, today i am going to talk about 20 people~ 10 types of people i hate and 10 types of people i love~! I think most of these are pretty universal except a select few in the 10 types of people i love :P

As a disclaimer, since everything needs a disclaimer,

most people i know (most people in general, too) are a mixture of the 20 different types of people.

I am not perfect, nor do i claim to be, so of course i also have some hateful attributes in me... heehee ^^

Anyway, i think that what makes people interesting is not just their attributes but also their flaws - although when a person's flaws overpower their attributes, that's when i start to feel a bit sketchy with this person.

My like for a person goes like this - it remains at its maximum all the time, even when they annoy me. When they annoy me, my base line with them goes down.

I will keep liking the said person until the very end - until i hit my bottom line,


so for an advice for every person out there,

if someone is lookin' pissed with you, lay off it for a couple of days, be all sweet and stuff, and don't push their limits ;) everyone has limits afterall ^^

anyway, without further ado, ten people i love and hate!! (in no particular order)


1) Know It All's
it's okay if you want to prove how intelligent you are, i completely respect that in a person. intelligence is sexy. it's also kawaii. but when it comes to the point where you insist on being right about EVERYTHING (even when you're clearly wrong) then it's time to lay it off. it's infuriating, especially because i am prideful. 

2) Whiners and Complainers
okay, i admit to being one of these. i always whine about things. but come on, people... time is golden. but duct tape is silver. shut up or put up. 

3) Clingers
i love feeling needed. i think everyone loves feeling needed. there's no better feeling in the world, then knowing someone depends on you and needs you. but when it comes point where someone needs me to be with them even when i have important things to attend to, then f*ck off. 

4) Tsunderes
it's kawaii in animes but not so much in real life. if you act tsundere all the time, then i'd rather be alone. i don't believe that outside you can be abusive and mean but inside you actually love me and care for me. if you love me then you won't hurt my feelings, end of story. 

5) Naggers
if you said it once, i will remember. say it more than twice, then i will purposely forget to piss you off. 

6) Normal People (Or those who claim to be)
i'm not normal. I don't think anyone is normal. Because it doesn't exist. But if anyone ever asks me, "can you be more *normal*?" then i think i'm gonna lose my sh*t. i am NOT normal. I never claimed to be. if you want someone normal, then i'm not for you. i'm a proud, anime-loving, game-crazy, immature little NOT normal yet shy brat. if you want "normal", go buy a washing machine. 

7) Cruel People
it's very rare to meet truly cruel people, but i dislike cruelty even in theory. no one's Mother Theresa, but everyone deserves sympathy when going through a difficult time. if you cannot be sympathetic, we cannot be friends. I cannot possibly tolerate someone who has a cruel heart. i am far from innocent, but there is this saying, "be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a difficult battle." 

8) Negative People
i believe we all have our downfalls, we all have our sadness. but i want mutual positivity instead of mutual negativity. i want to inspire people, and encourage them, and i want them to do the same for me. if they bring me down or insists on being a "black hole", well, bullocks for you, then. that's not for me. 

9) "It's okay for me but not for you" People
i believe in mutuality in friendships and relationships. if there is a "i can do it but you cannot" moment, well, let's say that it just lowered my respect for you a little bit. it's not okay if you can poke fun at me to other people but i cannot do the same to you. equality for all! Rah rah rah! 

10) Those that don't keep Promises
if you can't do something, then don't promise it. naturally, when comes time that i believe your promises are as worthless as a penny, i will never do another thing for you, you lousy louse. 


1) The Mentor
everyone needs a mentor in their life. someone that inspires good things, that encourages good things, that teaches you things that you cannot learn from anyone else. a role model, if you will. i love people who inspire me and teach me new things. 

2) The "Always There"
whether this person is your friend or a far away person you have never met before, i think that the person who you can talk to on a deep, emotional level as well as have fun with, is one of the most cherished peoples ever. where would i be without my little "always there" friend? 

3) Sweet People
and i'm not talking about those that can sugar-coat words like a master. I'm talking about genuinely sweet people who honestly care about you, your feelings, and your well-being. those that will help without expecting something in return, those that will spark you to life. 

4) Otaku's and Gamers
honey, if you are an otaku or a gamer, that's +5000 charisma for you. i LOVE otaku's and gamer's. i don't know what it is about them, but something about these people just have a certain charm, something that makes me admire them and like them.

5) Writers
i love writing. it's my passion. i also love reading. so i also love those that are writers, as we can exchange ideas, give criticism, proofread, and if they're also an anime fan...? we can roleplay! hahahha! <3 

6) The Cuddler
i'm a sucker for cuddles. and i'm not just talking hugs. whether you're my friend or my fairytale prince charming, if you lean on me, or hold my hand, or play with my hair, or sit close to me and keep me warm when we are together? i automatically like you, and the cuddler can veto almost everything that i dislike in a person. that's how strong my desire for comfort is. i'm a lonely person after all. i just want someone to make me feel loved. 

7) We're From the Same Place!!
i love people who come from my place of ancestry. honestly i've only met two of them but both clicked with me and despite knowing them for such short times, we could have such meaningful and fun conversations! 

8) Kindhearted People
who doesn't love a kind person? i love people that are nice. nice people are almost always purehearted people as well. even though deep, complex people have their charms, a kind, simple person is also a great friend. because these people, much like sweet people, are soft spoken and care much for others. i think that anyone who can think of others before themselves is a wonderful, wonderful person to be around. 

9) Playful Types
whether it's the avid party-goer or the fun jokester, everyone needs some fun once in awhile! I'm not usually associated with these types of people due to my "shy unless you're a close friend" personality, but if you can make me laugh, i probably like you. if you can include me, then all the more. i love playful people. quirky people. fun people. 

10) Meaningful People, Deep People
i love having deep and meaningful conversations. it's nice to have depth in a person. 


So there you have it!

My top ten most hated and top ten most loved aspects of a person! There's definitely more, for example "those that don't know limits" in hate, or "those that love travelling" in love,


that's the most basic, minna-san! <3

And of course i don't claim to be perfect. My bad probably outweighs my good. Should i examine myself, then?


I'm a bit snooty at times, and also insecure. I can be argumentative but at the same time i'm a bit passive aggressive. I often don't keep my promises, and sometimes i'm very negative and complain a lot. i'm overly sensitive and a bit of a worrywart. i have a tendancy to keep it all in and then explode as well, instead of talking it out when the problem is just in the bud.

but to be fair, i have good attributes too -

i'm usually quite good; i try to think the best of people and i try not to judge. i can be very sweet at times although it's not always genuine. i forgive easily and i can adapt to many different kinds of people, and i usually do look out for the best interests of others.

i can say i'm pretty balanced in terms of good and bad. ^^

What about you? ;)

'Till next time, then! <3


Tuesday 12 November 2013

What Girls Look for In a Guy ^^

Uwaaa~ Who am i to start talking about what girls look for in a guy?? 

It's a belated post, luvs! I apologize! Yesterday was Rememberance Day so there was no class, therefore there was no post. But here's the post for today! ^^ 

On a topic that is not gymnastics since there was no gymnastics this week :(( 

What Girls Look For in a Guy!!!


I don't know what girls look for in a guy ;) 

I've heard a lot of things, "charming" or "good looking" or "charismatic" or "nice" or "funny"

But is there a perfect guy out there that is all of these things? 

I don't think so.

It's because everyone has flaws that make life (and relationships!) so interesting... not that i'd know, since i've never been in one ^^; 

Even if there was a perfect guy out there, i don't think i'd want him.

What good is a guy who is perfect? That isn't fun at all! 

To put it simple, i think girls look for everything and nothing in a guy. Since, some guys can be the embodiment of one of the girl's wants, but still have a flaw that she absolutely despise.

What do *I* look for in a guy?

Ohohoho that's simple ;)

I don't.


I'm still a maiden at heart, looking for my knight in shining armour ;D 

Ya wanna know what i look for?

It's all simple, really. ^^ 

In no particular order i look for....

1) Interests --> What's the use in a guy who won't cosplay with me? who doesn't love anime? who doesn't play games? who doesn't enjoy fantasy novels? 

2) Horror fan --> i love horror. i'm a huge scaredy cat but i love horror. +100 charisma if said dude will watch horror movies with me, play horror games with me, tell scary stories to me, explore creepy places with me. ^^ 

3) Love of Travel --> i want to travel, i love to travel, i want someone who also loves to travel so we can travel together :D 

4) Tenderness --> i'm a bit childish, a little immature, and very airheaded at times (although not stupid) so i want a dude that loves me enough to cherish me and take care of me so that i will always feel safe and loved. ^^ 

If you're here looking for advice you're in the wrong place to be, bud~ 

But i suspect that most girls look for the same things.

To share interests and to love them unconditionally.

Although i don't mind if someone doesn't love me the way a whale loves krill. As long as they provide me with warmth and comfort, i don't give a damn if they love me or not ^^ 

Though i wonder...

Does that make me heartless?

I don't intend it that way....

Aiyaaa~ feels as though when time drags on my entries get more and more like a diary ^^;

you'll have to excuse me for that, luvs.

I'll make the next one better. 

Stay with me, onegai! 



Friday 8 November 2013

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Why, game, why???!!!

I started writing an entry for yesterday as promised, but i didn't finish, since i got sidetracked...

and then promptly ran into one of my most unfavourite things ever!!!

I could fix it probably, but.. but..

Okay, let's lay the story first, and i'll try not to sound too bitter about it, although it is quite difficult for me to not sound bitter from it, given that it involves a guy, a really cute guy,

a fictional guy, but a guy nonetheless.

Alright, so, excuse me for sounding silly but i guess i always sound silly so i have nothing to defend myself with...

Okay... [deep breath]

I was playing Fire Emblem Awakening and i realized that in Chapter 6 there is a recruitable character named Gaius. He is TOTALLY cute. He's SO adorable.

And just my luck, i probably had him killed or something i don't actually know.

Chapter 6 was a LONG time ago.

[sobs loudly] this is so UNFAIR!! I wish someone had TOLD me!! [sob, sniffle, cry]

I must sound so undignified right now but it's really difficult to keep my cool sometimes Q_Q

I'd totally go back, as in, start over, just to recruit him... (and two others that i forgot about) but at the same time, i really, really don't want to...

I mean, i've spent a lot of time fighting Risen on the map just to get my characters to gain levels, i really don't feel like starting all over again.

I wish i knew what to do... I can't decide, can't decide, can't decide :(

And now i am wondering if i can access all the children... Can i? can i? If i can't then i really don't care that i missed some characters...

[deep, woeful sigh]

It's sad that i had to post a sad entry but i suppose it couldn't be helped.

I needed to say it somewhere, to someone.

and everybody i know doesn't give a fig about this kind of stuff.

I wish someone would give a fig but then i suppose that's what blogs are for... maybe.. haha~

Well, that's really frustrating!!!

i suppose i'll go do some research on this... and if all children are accessible despite not recruiting certain characters...

then i won't give a fig either.

but he's a good character.

he's no weakling.

so i'd be sad anyways.




For the matter, i paired up My Unit with Chrom. Because they're SO KAWAII DESU NE. haha...

I was considering pairing My Unit with Lon'Qu because that's also SO KAWAII DESU NE. i know they're not exactly canon pairings but I don't give a fig. they're cute.

Oh, Lon'Qu is paired with Lissa for me. because [you know what i'm gunna say.. hehe~]

I think none of my pairings, except Nowi and Gregor, are canon. I also don't intend them to be canon. I do my own thing. ;) It's cuter that way! :D

Although there was someone... i think it was Cordelia... maybe i'm wrong... (since i dont really use her i don't really know...) that i will put in a canon pairing... (deep sigh)

and i'll say something else, some of you might not want to hear it, if you don't, then don't scroll down!!

Chrom and Lon'Qu... i totally ship it <3 XDD <3 <3 <3

Monday 4 November 2013

Gymnastics is NOT exponential growth!!

Monday again! Happy Monday!! Happy Favourite Things post!!


Anyway, Monday rolls around again and it's time for gymnastics ! But slowly and slowly gymnastics slips from being "my favourite thing" because i am not learning a lot and i am not improving a lot, and with school weighing down on me, it's getting more and more difficult to keep up, since my body is just SO exhuasted from school that i cannot really do well in gymnastics!

Anyway, we started out on the Tumble Trak today which is good, since i really do dislike lines! We do the per usual, jumping and hopping, and at the end, handstand flatback, or dive rolls, or front tuck, or front layout.

Handstand flatback is easy peasy lemon squeezy, dive rolls are okay but disorienting (can't really do them on a soft surface, yanno?) i love front tucks, and front layouts still don't flow with me.


We only did floor today which is perfectly fine with me!

We started doing easy skills first, like kick handstand from both legs, and handstand pops, handstand walking - which i got a stroke of luck in and managed to hold out for 1/3 of the length we were walking ;)

Also, front limbers, straddle roll to incurve rocking, and things like that.

Cartwheels, standing round offs, power hurdle round offs,

And eventually we split into groups.

the littler girls were working on things i cannot really remember. me and three other girls were doing back walkovers and front walkovers.

Eventually we moved onto our own stations, i was doing front handspring step-outs, a girl my age was doing round off back handsprings, the other was working standing back handsprings (which i think is actually harder since it lacks the momentum of the round off rebound) and the other worked on back walkovers with a one foot take-off

I also did some side aerials which i achieved a few times before but today i guess i was exhausted so i was unable to... :(

The girl my age could do a front aerial though ;) amazing! <3

We ended playing a game of Octopus and there was a lot of running and giggling.

I'm a fast runner although my stamina is not high. I was last to be caught.

But i fail at being the Octopus!

I get distracted because everyone is running, and this is a bit sad but, at one point, i cried out, "why can't i catch anyone?!"

And a boy, a cute ribbed boy, called to me, "you gotta focus on one person! right now you're like a dog!" and i'm sure he meant because dogs are easily distracted, but i was like, o_o; well that's rude... anyway.

SAD! *humph!*

BTW look forward to Wednesday or Thursday for some old pixelated horror game reviews ! ^^

Halloween just passed so i spent a lot of time on these. :P I like it more than modern horror games ^^

Mostly because modern games are either too creepy, or too gorey, and if it's gorey i feel like puking, if it's creepy then i need a companion but no one wants to play with me :( So then i just scream and hide and run around like a headless chicken while my character dies. ><;

So.... YEAH.

Newest Pokemon came out lately... I'm not allowed to get it though, because i haven't been accepted to a university yet. Phooey. Hurry up and accept me, universities............... Q_Q

~Re Re~

Thursday 31 October 2013

A Happy Halloween and HOW TO - Carve a Pumpkin !

So... I decided Thursday is the best time to post new fun things!!

Happy Halloween BTW!! Hope everyone got wonderful treats and delicious foods... :3

Yesterday i was carving pumpkins with Mango and our little buddy at school, see, and of course, it was a lot of fun!

Here are our tips on how to... carve pumpkins! The creepy Mango and Rere way!

Let's get started!!


1) find a table that's all wet. because everyone likes wet pumpkins that slide everywhere when you go after it with a knife.

2) start carving the top! But make sure the hole is too tiny so you need to hack it to pieces before you can scoop the insides out!

3) Allow Mango to scoop the insides out - but of course, you know you will be the one to finish the job!

4) Wash the pumpkin. No, seriously. Take it to the sink and wash the insides. Because that's the only way to carve pumpkins.

5) Accidently carve someone's arm instead of the pumpkin. And then laugh. >:3

6) try to carve the pumpkin but find that you can't, so hand the carver to Re-Re instead.

7) Re-re will now carve the pumpkin - like a professional.

8) Finish!

9) get plastic candles.

10) try to open plastic candles

11) Can't open plastic candles

12) ask , "can i bite it?" while staring at the switch

13) "No"

14) put pumpkin in hallway and camwhore with the little five year old child that you carved the pumpkin with

15) get blown off by said child

16) clean up pumpkin goop

17) never see pumpkin again, even though you broke your back making it. :/


and THAT, is how you CARVE A PUMPKIN, Ladies and Gents! ^^

See you next time ! <3


Monday 28 October 2013

How To : Kawaii Schoolgirl !

Okay, so it's Monday and usually on Monday i talk about... my favourite things.

Sadly, i didn't go to gymnastics today since i was feeling quite ill, so... no gymnastics post today!! AWWW!! ><

So to make up for that i will talk about something else that is quite a favourite in my life right now (and probably will be for a long time) which is... ANIME!

And from what i've seen so far, and i could be correct or incorrect, but i think that anime has a lot of tropes. There's ecchi anime, which i won't go into 'cause i don't watch (the closest i've gotten is <We, Without Wings: Under the Innocent Sky>), there's shounen anime (fighting, adventure, fantasy, stuff like that) shoujo anime (falling in love, being pretty, stuff like that) and slice of life anime (comedic every day life, also falls into shoujo anime group)

One trope i've seen over and over, especially for shoujo anime or slice of life / school life anime, is the 'kawaii schoolgirl.'

(perhaps this is more predominent in ecchi anime but nonetheless, I WONT GO INTO THAT... hehe~)

Anyway, this is one of my favourite things.

Anime of course, and the classic seifuku (or serafuku) of anime!

I think it's positively adorable and i'd just LOVE to own a set and get to wear it - in fact, i'd ADORE it if schools in the Americas adopted the serafuku as standard uniform instead of those ugly ankle length kilts that they make girls wear.

So, today, on the topic of my Favourite Things, i will talk about...

How To - make your ugly uniform more like a seifuku!

**not Serafuku. Just Seifuku.

This is something i've actively tried to do in the past before, although i originally did it out of the desire to be more comfortable in school.

In school, my uniform consists of...

- school issued navy blue sweater
- school issued green plaid kilt
- school issued polo (or button up with a tie during the winter months)
- navy or black knee socks or tights (can be bought from school or our own)
- black dress shoes

so, pretty standard. Sounds like every other uniform, and not at all kawaii!

Let's begin making it cuter and more classicly seifuku-esque, then!

**Granted, all schools have different policies on uniforms and my own allows these changes**

1) buy a different sweater. because FK school issued stuff. the material they use is coarse and uncomfortable. i got a nice replicate from Ralph Lauren, which has thinner weave so it's more airy and comfortable, and a couple of sizes too big for me, as well, for extra (growing) space (because holidays are fat days)

the school crest i bought separately and sewed it on. I had to request permission from the school but it was simple enough - i needed to use my own sweater because i have sensitive skin and the coarse material makes me itch.

2) roll your kilt up. i got mine adjusted previously, taking off about an inch and a half from the bottom; a seamstress did this, and i recommend getting a seamstress, since it seems like a pretty bad idea to me if you just take some scissors and hack off a piece of your uniform...and then from the top, i fold down the band, so about an inch, but only in the front since i don't want the back to be too short. this allows your kilt to not be knee-length or shin-length or whatever. And to make it look even shorter, my oversized sweater is pulled down over the front and back to give the illusion of it being a miniskirt, which in reality, it ISN'T.

differents schools allow different things. some schools don't allow short skirts. Check the policies first! Getting into trouble is not kawaii.

3) wear thigh-high socks. These are prevalent in animes and they are also much warmer than regular knee socks. Some schools are lenient while others are not. I never saw a problem with it at my school until recently but the one teacher who refused to allow it doesn't teach me, anyway. Or, alternatively, tights can make your legs look slimmer and more refined. regular knee socks are adorable during the spring times, especially if it has a tiny embroidery at the top. generally, don't wear ankle socks or anything below the calf; it doesn't look as cute as it does in anime. trust me on this one.

if school is lenient, some leg-warmers (to imitate baggy socks) are also quite adorable, but this one's on a limb. American fashion is frankly quite different from Japanese fashion. although i assume if you go to a private school, no one really gives a damn anyway.

4) wear Mary-Jane style shoes. these can easily be found in places like Payless, or Geox, or Tommy Hilfiger, like me, or if you want to go high-end, that's fine too, but it's not for me since i scuff up my shoes really easily. These are adorable and depending on the type (regular type, childish type, lolita type?) they can all give off different feelings. Ballet flats are okay too, if that's your thing. I'd not go with the shoes that you generally see anime schoolgirls wearing, since it doesn't seem to match so well with their Western counterpart.

alternatively, if your school does not mandate shoes, why not wear a cute pair of bright pink converse's, to add some flair and spice? any shoes can look cute with uniform, unless you're clomping around in some huge 7-inch platform knee high lace up crazy things :3

5) bags are important. sort of. Backpacks, especially those that hang low on your back, is quite adorable. Backpacks can show personality! the bag you generally see Japanese schoolgirls, or anime girls carrying, is quite dull, although it has its charms. It's not very Western though.

Personally, i alternate between an electric blue Neff backpack, a black Hello Kitty backpack, and the Japanese schoolgirl-style bag but slimmer, pale blue, and with little dolly designs. The little pockets are intricate and beautiful - they also allow me to be neater with my belongings! It comes with its own little keychains so i needn't worry about those things.

6) Behaviour? well, anime schoolgirls tend to act certain ways. most predominently you have your 'normal' character, a moe character, and a tsundere character. I don't really recommend acting like anything but yourself at school... although if you're at an anime con, let it rip! ^^

AAANNNNDDDD that's it. i think. that's really all the tips i have.

Oh! and hair. I personally change my hair a lot. when i had long hair i just left it alone or kept it in two low pigtails. When it was short i put up tiny side twintail's (like Misa Amane's hair). once that got longer i had a habit of using ribbons. Currently i like clippies since they're sooo cute!

But hair is another way to express yourself. Go all out! ^^

And i'm sorry, for not being an interesting blogger. I do have tendancies to rant and be boring, but,

Please give me a chance! Stay with me! Onegai!

So, spread word of my blog, my little cuties! I'll do my best to update. I can see i have some views! not a lot, but some! So i am very flattered to everyone who gives me the time of day! <3

Please spare a few more seconds of your life and comment on this post, tell me what you'd like me to blog about in the future! I'd really appreciate it! Arigatou, minna-san! <3 ^_^

** From now on, there will be a gymnastics entry on Monday and a random posting of something else anytime during the week but most likely on a Wednesday or Thursday~! **

~Re re! <3

EDIT - Favourite Manga of the Week - Nagareboshi Lens. check it out! The storyline isn't fabulous, but the art is exquisite! ^^

Monday 21 October 2013

Tired bunch of Gymmies ~

Monday! Time for Favourite Things!!

But as we all know, even our top favouritest things can get awfully boring or tedious sometimes! Especially when they say that it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at something!

Today was sadly one of those days.

Class, which is usually so much fun for me, was strangely tiring for me. I felt sluggish and tired, all my muscles were protesting, and i was winded even after just a short warm up.

...Possibly because i hadn't exercised in the past week and also pigged out, eating so many junk foods! (but hey, a girl's gotta be lenient to herself every once in awhile, right?)

So, today i wore a green and black rhinestoned leo with leggings...

I won't go around describing what happened today because all i remember was that A) i talked with my classmates a bit more, B) i was so exhausted i thought that even that dirty, sweaty, chalk-caked gym floor looked like heaven, and C) it was fun nonetheless.

Though i won't go around describing what happened, i'll mention a few things.

I still cannot comprehend the idea of a front layout. I can tuck perfectly nicely, but layout's are lost in translation. How can a body flip without tucking? This i do not know.

I also can connect a back hip circle straight to a squat on (the bar) now, but due to my tired nature, i couldn't actually stay ON the bar long enough to stand up and jump to the next, so....


I'm starting to think that updating 'Favourite Things' every monday is a bit mundane, since it's all about gymnastics.

Perhaps i should talk about other things, too, now!! ^^; So look forward to that!! I will write about other things, now, too!!


Saturday 19 October 2013

Fright Night Playland RECAP!!

So, my apologies because last monday there were no 'favourite things' updates, but that is understandable since Monday was Thanksgiving, so happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone!!

That week was also great in general because I went to Whistler Blackcomb on Tuesday, came back Wednesday, visited an university campus on Thursday (meaning no school) and today, Friday, (actually it's Saturday, given the time, but i just got back and wanted to recap before i forgot!!) I went to Fright Nights at PNE Playland!!

It was AMAZING!!

And please note, this is a recap of my experience, so if you plan to go, yes, there are SPOILERS!!

The atmosphere just getting there was great, it was already a naturally foggy night and the bright red signs made everything seem so surreal. I went with a friend, and while i will not disclose her name, I will call her "Mango" because I will refer to her quite a few times.

There was security checks, so our bags had to be inspected, and us as well! It actually seemed even stricter than airport security, IMO.

Anyway, this year, Fright Night 2013, there are 6 haunted houses (including Playland's original) and 12 rides (with Hellavator and Revelation at additional charge)

Mango and i didn't get to go on all the rides nor all the haunted houses, so i'll recap the ones we did end up going to (though not so much the rides since it is always there)

Anyway, going there first, i was a bit apprehensive about getting into a haunted house since i'm actually a really big scaredy cat and i can even get scared just by someone coming up behind me and tapping my shoulder.

So Mango and i went to the Atmosfear first, since it's never been running when i went previously. Also, it was very foggy and so it was freezing up there, and our hair was all wet once we got down!!

Not only was it a naturally foggy night, the smoke machines was also on, meaning that at times, i couldn't see two feet in front of me... which is a bit offputting for me, since i worry about a monster jumping out at us.

Anyway, we went to Hollywood Horrors first, and even though Mango and i were alone, we requested to go with the pair behind us since we were such huge 'fraidy cats. I only remember trailing after them shrieking and squealing, and the live actors didn't frighten me that much until we got to the car area, where someone jumped out with a chainsaw.

However, there was one funny part where one actor with a knife pointed at me, and said, "I like YOU!" in a sinister voice. I was thinking, "Uhmm, okay... No, you don't..."

I don't remember much from Hollywood Horrors in general. It was nice and full of screams and surprises when you're in it, but nothing really gives me a lasting impression.

Shortly after, we went to Fear.

I really liked how when we waited in life there were boards describing different type of phobias, and how it foreshadows what we are going to see once we are in the house itself.

I enjoyed the fact that we had to get into coffins to begin - each person in a separate coffin. Although, i was very apprehensive and i definitely did not want to go into those coffins (though mostly in fear that i will need to fight my way out) so i yelled "Mangooooo! I will never forgive you for thisssss!!" As i was ushered into my coffin and the monster attendant covered the lid over my head.

It really wasn't that bad, though. The coffin was rather spacious (enough for me to turn from lying on my back to on my side, since not only did i have a backpack on, i also feel scared and vulnerable whenever i'm on my back) and as much as it disturbs me to admit it, it was rather comfortable.

After we got in and were closed into complete darkness, they wheeled our coffins to the other side of the wall, where another monster attendant would lift the lid for us and allow us to continue our journey - and the first thing i noticed was that Mango was running off after the two men that we had come in with, since we were too scared to go alone.

I went after her - although despite everything else, i walked, since the first area was brightly lit and the monster was quite friendly.

I DO have arachnophobia so the spider room wasn't that good for me, but the spiders were obviously plastic and fake so even though i dont want it touching me or anything, everything was a-okay there.

the other rooms don't give me a lasting impression... There was a room with lighting that gave the impression of crawling ants.

We also came to a tunnel, and i think it was for the claustraphobia fear, since it was a squeeze to get in (actually quite okay since it was loosely inflated)

Mango was screaming at that point, saying she had no idea where to go ("Forward! Forward!" I had yelled) and she backed into me, bumping me backwards and knocking me into the monster who was waiting, so i demanded she move forward some more.

Eventually that house was done, too. :)

I went on my very first time on Hells Gate!! It was actually... not as scary as i thought it would be :P

Next, we went to Darkness.

It was a very long line but it was interesting how they made the beginning of the line a walk through a graveyard with little storyboards - however, i looked at that "Angel of Death" and my inital thought was, "Well, that isn't cute at all!" since... aren't angels of death (shinigami's) always so adorable in anime?

Anyway, it was an incredibly long line and i had to like, pee, the entire time, so it was a bit of a torture. And since we had gone to different things before then, it was like, late at night, and i was sleepy, so me and Mango sort of wilted to the ground as we followed the line.

Eventually we were fed up and frustrated with the line, and whenever that deep and sinister voice started talking and doings its "Mwahahaha" we were like, "SHUT UP!" and "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!"

However we did eventually get our turn - this time, we had to go in alone. We walked into a brightly lit room with zombies and gates, and even though it wasn't scary, Mango and i clung to each other, shrieking, saying to wait until the next group came in - and they did, they were a father and four little girls and a little boy.

The little boy walked past us with a 'che!' and we followed him, with the little girls following us.

The boy scared us once, by jumping out and yelling 'boo!'!

Although i do not remember much about this one at all, indeedit was scary!! There are live actors popping out of coffins and everything.

Although sadly, my biggest memory of this place is that we waited an incredibly long time in line but halfway through our turn, the lights came on and we had to walk out with the lights on, meaning that things were definitely not scary anymore -

however, one prop moved, Mango screamed, i screamed, she pulled backwards (with her arms around my neck) and i stumbled, and went sprawling onto my bottom in front of everyone - including the father and his little girls, and two or three security guards that were dispatched to bring everyone outside.

We were rounded up and the security zoomed in on one boy and dismissed the rest of us - and i suppose we will never find out about why the lights came on.............

Our last stop of the day was Asylum, meaning that we missed Car N Evil and the Haunted Mansion. Whilst the haunted mansion doesn't matter as much, since we had gone before during regular season, what is in the Car N Evil will forever be my curiosity. (So if you know, why not comment and tell me? :P)

Anyway, in my opinion, Asylum is probably the scariest one all night. I'm not sure if its because of the heightened senses and frazzled nerves from the evening, but it did seem to be the most horror inducing of all.

i remember being in front of two cute boys, so i wanted to go with them, but eventually they swapped with some girls and those girls were behind us instead.

But, Mango and i went into the house and then we clung to each other till the girls came in and told them to ahead of us.

Then, we followed them.

I can't recall what we saw off the top of my head, but there were plenty of gory props, live actors, flashing lights, moving props, bloody hospital rooms, and so on so forth.

I screamed the most in this one, and one time, we entered a room that contained not one, but two live actors, as well as props hanging from the ceiling, Mango screamed at the top of her lungs, ran into me, so i screamed at the top of my lungs, and went running back, bowling into the two cute boys, who, surprisingly enough, were incredibly calm, hands in pockets type of calm.

Eventually we continued on, Mango shrinking against the wall whimpering, "Please don't hurt me! What did i do? What did i do???"

I remember the rest very vaguely but i remember that we still ran out of Asylum's exit while screaming our heads off, laughing at the same time... a very breathless experience.

Ultiamately, i think this is what i have to say.

The haunted houses all take a long time to get into unless you have a Fast Pass, and if you don't, either you get there early (so maybe one house) or you'll wait in line for 45min plus!!

The houses itself are short and none seemed as good as Playland's original, however, it was full of thrills and scares when you are inside - however for me, while i screamed, jumped, and wailed with the best of them, the fear wore off quickly once we got outside, since while it was scary, it was nothing spectacular nor memorable.

However, i do highly recommend Fright Nights!! It is a truly amazing experience! Mango and i had so much fun!! Yes, the lines are long, and yes, sometimes the houses seem a bit cheesy (Although your nerves will always be on edge before you actualy go in!) but overrall, it truly is worthwhile and a really good investment!!

However i do have a slight wish that Fright Night, in its future years, could adopt a more 'Japanese-style' horror element, maybe a house or two. Because yes, props are wonderful and so are live actors, but sometimes, just being able to explore a dark and creepy place is suspenseful and terrifying enough, without needing to have flashing strobe lights or torn props everywhere.

Still, wonderful, wonderful time, great experience, hightly recommend!! :D

Till next time, then!! <3

~ Re

EDIT - random thought - is it just me or is the voice acting in Fire Emblem Awakening a LOT cuter in the Japanese version... AND sound a lot more natural? >< I can't stop fangirling!! XD (and yup, not related to Fright Night at all... just a thought i wanted to get down without posting a new entry~)

Monday 7 October 2013


I might wanna note that my hair, which was in a neat, high, nicely kept ponytail before class, is now this scraggly mess at the nape of my neck.............

For today, i wore the same glitter crush velvet leo from last week but this time with full length leggings that were... a LITTLE bit too butt-hugging... >_<;

Today's class was a bit different than usual, but before i get into that...

I was running around before class today, freaking out, all "WHAT DO I WEAR???" because i do dislike wearing the same leotards at times, since it's interesting to wear new ones, and i had only three more that's useable - a pink and purple swirl one that's a bit too cool for the winter, a dark blue one with light blue star highlights, and a black one that i can't find. And someone, who overheard me, said, "well... clothes. you should wear clothes."

Touché, darlin'. ^_^

Today we didn't warm up on floor as usual, since the boys were using it, and we didn't want to disrupt them, since i'm talking tumbling lines with like, doubles, triples, and i even saw a front layout to double front... so, WOW. *envy!!*

We went to the tumble trak to warm up instead, so we did all those jumps... i don't feel compelled to list them all since they're always the same, ANYWAY.

although at one point, my foot got caught on the end, so i tripped, then i tripped again, and then i faceplanted, so YEAH.

After warm ups, we went to floor to start testing, because it's a testing week, i suppose.

And asking us to do tuck jumps on the floor after we just finished doing it on the Tumble Trak? WEEELL i guess i could say it went less than pretty.

We went through all the basic level 1 - 8 / 9 skills. The only one i am missing is my back extention roll (backwards roll to handstand) but i'm sure i'll get that with time... as all things come with time.

I had a lot of fun with headstands today, actually! those are actually veeeeery awesome!!

We did lines that were basically testing, and then we got to stretch, and while stretching we would be tested a tiny bit more. we had to do a carthweel, to a handstand, and then roll out, and also handstand to bridge, and also headstand straddle press roll out, and splits, and stuff like that.

once that was finished we went back to floor, mostly to do things like handstands, rolls, cartwheels, round offs, power hurdle roundoffs with rebounds, et al.

Eventually we went to beam...

And there was this one where we had to lie on the beam, so i did. the Coach asked me to shift back a little, and whilst doing that, i lost my balance and basically tumbled onto the floor in a tangle of limbs. It was NOT pretty.

I could easily say that my favourites are floor and bars, beam and vault are my least favourites, and now you see why.

We also had to do mounts and dismounts, bunny hops on beam, long jumps, tuck jumps, pivot turns, and all that jazz. Seems easy at glance, but you try doing those gracefully on a 4inch piece of wood, and you tell me what you think.

We also worked on the low beam, so handstands, roundoffs, and then to the high beam to do a roundoff off of. (off off of? YEEAAAHHHH)

and needless to say, it was a high beam... and even in competition you are supposed to land on a crash mat... we don't get crash mats....

So it's like, yeah, my shins kinda felt jarred afterwards, and my ankles were a bit sore...

Eventually, we just went to play Bum Drop Wars again, and then off we went to go home, ne!

This time it wasn't as structured or as intensive as usual, but it's a nice change of pace, to be testing instead of just working hard, hard, hard!!

For awhile i honestly thought i could not go to next week's class due to a conflict, but then i realized i COULD, so i was ecstatic! it was like every cell in my body was alive and buzzing as though i had drank a pint of mead. :D

It was... a moment of pure glory ^^

Anyway, that's about it for this time :)

Till next time, then! :D


Monday 30 September 2013

A Spider in the Gym?????? :O

Yay, Mondays! Time for my favourite things!!

For the record, i wore a glitter crush velvet green, blue, purple swirl top in various shades, and capri leggings from Dance Co, with rolled hip bands and legs.

We started today with lines as usual, and everything went just as it always does, i've been holding handstands for longer and longer lately, and then we did something new!

It's a progression to a straddle press.

Basically, we place our hands on the ground, legs are in a straddle, and we're supposed to lift up off the floor into a handstand, and then straddle back down.

Naturally, we hop off the ground and only get back into a straddle stand coming down.

It's plenty of fun! I got stuck in a handstand for the longest time though, so i did a straddle to get down, but that only pushed my weight past my hands, and i could only wait to twist out of it when my weight went past my shoulders far enough.

We also did handstand walking, and i'm not very good at those but i can still do it, heehee~ It's been getting better.

And also, handstand walking, but with each step, we need to touch our hand to our shoulder before taking the next step. I can do maybe three at most, but my legs are all over the place; certainly not pretty!

We went to the Tumble Trak first today and worked on things like jumping, as per usual, and did these:

Straight jump x10 + Handstand flatback
???? jump x10 + Dive roll
Tuck jump x10 + Front tuck
Straddle jump x10 + Front tuck/Front layout
Pike jump x10 + Front layout/ Front tuck/ Front pike
Right leg split jump x10 + Front layout / Front tuck
Left leg split jump x10 + Front layout
Free turn (flysprings) + Front layout/ Front tuck

Naturally, i can do a front tuck.

Naturally, i cannot do a front layout.

A layout is a front tuck with a straight body. I cannot comprehend how to flip in the air without the forward momentum of tucking.

Don't get me wrong; i still get over, but whether i land on my butt, my feet, or my face, is really up to Lady Luck. And of course, i have bent legs and all that jazz.

And then as we were headed off to go to bars next, i was walking, putting on my glasses, and one of the girls scream, "STOP!!!" at me, and naturally, i think something has gone terribly wrong, and i freeze.

Later, she points out a huuuuuge spider that i had just nearly stepped on, but thanks to me freezing, it had scuttled away before my bare, chalky foot met it's hairy, arachnid back. Eew!

We headed off to bars next, split into two groups of three, one worked with our Coach while the other worked on their own skills.

My group went with the Coach first, we all did variations of a pullover, a hip circle, and jumping to high bar and another pullover.

My hands already felt a bit burned so i opted out of a back hip circle and did front hip circles instead; i can do it but i always bend my legs, which i am not supposed to. but at the same time, i am the only person who can do it in the whole class ;)

then we worked on glide swings, so we'd glide forward and pike backwards, for 5 times. supposedly, once you achieve that, you are ready to kip! Since we are too big for the Coach to throw around, we needed to rely on ourselves.

I can't really do that and really, neither can the other girls. It's much more difficult than you'd imagine - it takes a lot of core strength!

We wing'd it on kips a few times, and then we switched.

The other two girls with me attempted to do front hip circles as well but they couldn't, although i think it's not hard or anything, it does take practice, i've been working on them since at my first gym, before i switched out yet.

I wanted to work mill circles, those are when you are sitting in a 'split' on the bar, and you go forwards and still get back up.

uhmmm... i'm kinda close. you'd think it's terribly scary and stuff, but it really isn't. or maybe it is, i don't really know. i don't really comprehend "fear" in times like those, since really, what's the worse that can happen?

I can get around, my leg stays hooked, but i cannot get enough momentum to bring myself back up nicely, so i crawl up, kicking and screaming ^^

Then after bars we headed off to the trampoline to play a game, i think it was like, Hotdog and Hamburger bum-drop competition :P

Basically, the trampoline is a rectangle, and it is divided into four squares. two people go at once, doing bum drops on the trampoline. in the hamburger, we are not allowed to touch the middle line (so we are on the two thin ends of the trampline) and when hotdog is called, we switch so we are bum dropping on one of the squares on the wide side of the trampoline.

Touch a line, falter, or anything at all, and you are out. two go at once. :)

It was lots of fun!!

We also worked on these, i forget what they're called, roller's i think? basically, you do a bum drop, and once you come up, you turn in a full twist and land back on your butt. it's harder than it seems. my body cannot comprehend it, but i came close ^^

Also, while we were doing this, a ripped boy in blue shorts was working on the bar near us, very near us, and he was UH-MAZING!! and it was amusing to watch. :D

Since he'd be doing giants, and he'd let go, do a tuck, and catch onto the bar again to continue, but sometimes he'd miss, so he'd FUMMP onto the crash mat in the foam pit ^^

Also, this was the boy who was doing some crazy triple fronts on the vault. and that vault setting is like, shoulder height with me, or more. GWAKKK! I'm really impressed!!

and i heard someone in the gym is doing double-doubles. Kyaa! <3


Well, that seems about it. Nothing too strenuous today. I'm not entirely tired or anything, and 2 hours a session really seems too short!! What i'd give for RGA to have 6-hour teen gyms, but something tells me that it'd only float with me when i'm in a good, satiated mood. I'm such a picky gymnast, haha~

Anyway, it was tons of fun, can't wait for the next!!

Also, gym aside, yesterday i was in a mentorship/mastermind program, for the first time! It was lots of fun!! It was the first time so we didn't really do anything aside from introducing ourselves and share concepts and talk, but it was FABBBUUULLOOOOUUUUUSSSSSS! <3 <3 <3

Sometimes, i briefly wonder, what would i do once i am too old to be in gymnastics? can i still do gymnastics when i am like, 21? well, yes, technically! Would my body be able to handle it? who knows. i do know i have no intentions of stopping anytime soon, and once i am older than 18 i can join adult classes, but luckily, i have a back-up plan!!

Once i'm "too old" for gymnastics, i'll do parkour. It's fun, it's pretty, and it has a very gymnastic-y feeling IMO as well :D the only thing is, I HATE WEARING SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday 23 September 2013

Good things come to those who work hard ;)

So, Monday again! what does that mean? a new entry on my Favourite Things because Monday has my favourite things!!

It must get pretty mundane if i only walk through the day and list all the activities so before i even start, i'd like to announce... I GOT MY AERIAL. I've been trying to get that since the beginning of summer. And i also got a very nice, slow, controlled front and back limber.

Okay, warm-ups first of all, six lines as per usual (back and forth is one) and then worked on various things like bear-walking, catleaps, wolf jumps, split jumps, kicks, front support hopping, kick handstand on both legs...

I've come to be unable to differentiate between my good or bad leg in a handstand, they all seem the same to me...

donkey kick to handstand, inchworms, and so on so forth. we did something new today though! it goes like this -

basically, you start on your tummy in an arched position, and roll, so that neither your hands nor feet touch the ground, and go into a hollow position. continue across the floor as so.

Also we worked on little things like straddle roll, slide to tummy, rock in an arch 3x, or the same thing backwards with a hollow 3x.

Eventually we went to vault, cranked the vault down a bit, but it was still well above half my height, so it's a bit intimidating for me, and i'm sure the littler gymnasts have an even harder time! So, we did...

- Squat on --> 10 box jumps + 10 push ups + 10 sit ups
- Straight jump --> 5 box jumps + 5 push ups + 5 sit ups
- Front handspring / either of the above --> 5 box jumps + 5 push ups + 5 sit ups
- Front handspring / either of the above --> 10 box jumps
- Front handspring / either of the above --> 20 box jumps

On one of my front handsprings i veered to the side and landed with my feet slung under my hips so i shot forward and pretty much faceplanted into the ground. Slightly amusing but more embaressing, since the two boys working the strap bars nearby were staring at me like i was some sort of alien.
(or alienne, since i am a girl?)

After vault we dragged the incline mats onto the floor and some crash mats and sting mats and separated, the younger girls, the ones meant to be in the Intermediate girls on one side, working cartwheels, backwards rolls, and the like,

and the Teen girls on another line, working ...

- backward roll
- backward extension / to front support roll
- cartwheel --> good leg
- cartwheel --> bad leg
- handstand pops
- power hurdle cartwheel
- standing round off rebound
- power hurdle round off rebound
- back walkover
- front walkover
- front handspring

and before we separated and on various little amusements, such as valdez (from sitting to a back walkover, i cannot do this) front and back limbers, which i can very surprisingly do quite well, nice and controlled, slow and easy, landing light on my feet and i am not struggling to get over or up, yay!

And one of the girls taught us a variation of the back limber, in which you start from a squat and then stand quickly while going back into a bridge.

I tried.

I could sort of do it, except... my hands land waaaay too close to my feet! and not only that, due to the momentum of the movement, i pretty much go head over heels, kick myself in the face, and then flop to the side. very attractive indeed.

And then the other girl went ot work on her round-off back handsprings, while me and another went to work on our standing back handspring on an incline mat, but my hands felt achy and sore from back rolls, so i didn't do them.

After resting awhile, i saw the other girl ask to do front tucks and aerials, so i decided to join in, but only with aerials, since i've been attempting them since the beginning of summer.

And lo and behold!

After a few tries, some in which i put one hand down just as i am going to put my leg down, or some that i actually land but in such a twisted way i fling myself to one side, i finally got one!

And i'm talking air!

As in, a frozen moment in time where i am staring at the ground, it's NOT inches away from my face, my hands are by my ears, legs in a straddle, and then BAM! i land it, my hands remain by my face, and i'm like "YES!!!!" with a massive rush of excitement!

And then pain shoots through my leg and i realize i've landed it with straight legs. but other than that, i've got it!! all else can be fixed later on but first and foremost, i got it!!

I wanted to continue playing but for the sake of the younger kids, we decided to play Island Tag, so we dragged out the mats, the boxes, the inclines, and spread them over the floor.

Island Tag -

in which it is just like tag but you cannot go onto the floor; only on the mats or inclines or boxes. once tagged, you, and the original tagger, are both it. so... like a virus.

Anyway, i learned a valuable lesson today -

if a jump looks like it might be too far to make it, especially if it is onto a box, DON'T TRY IT, because the box will very likely skid out from under you, send you sprawling onto the floor (and this happened three times, i may add, twice to me and once to the other teenaged girl, before we learned our lesson) and the Coach will yell, "you jump ON the box! not AT it!" and everyone will fall apart and dissolve in giggles.

That aside, we didn't work on beam nor bars nor the tumble track today but it was a fabulous day ^_^

And everything else aside, those ribbed boys are so talented, haha. ;D

Well, that's all for now, i suppose!

Until next time then! :D

Oh! and today, i wore a black velvet leo. the top is crushed velvet with sparkles, separated by a diagonal silver line, and then simple plush velvet. Wore light gray capri leggings today instead of shorts, because i have a rash on my legs and i don't want to make it worse. ~

See ya'll next time! <3


Thursday 19 September 2013

Why NOT thigh socks??

Naturally with a blog entitled "My favourite things" i would strive to write about... MY FAVOURITE THINGS. But today, at school, a new rule cropped up, and it's probably my least favourite rule, EVER.

I can deal with things like "You need to wear uncomfortable dress shoes" or "No hoodies" or "Only school regulated clothing allowed" since everything can be "cute" as long as you take the time to modify their looks... (although i modified to to make it more comfortable for me)

But today a few of the female students were appearntly told that we were no longer allowed to wear any over knee socks or thigh socks to school anymore, because "Here in North America, it connotes sexiness. And that is not appropriate for school."

And i would understand and agree with the rules - but i believe that as long as a student does not intend for her outfit to give off "sexy" vibes, then it won't. I for one, wear thigh socks or over knee socks because i have very sensitive skin, and the socks prevent skin-to-chair contact when i sit down, especially on the backs of my knees, and that's really the only reason i wear them.

Anyway, just a short complaint on that. Even if the school said no, i intend to wear them until i can find a good pair of winter tights, and if anyone complains, well, they can complain to my mother, who agrees that i should not wear regular short socks for school, since i oftentimes come home with a red, angry rash on the backs of my legs from sitting in plastic chairs.

I mean, COME ON. Don't punish the girls for your own dirty thinking. We never intended it to be that way, nor did we think of it that way. The only people who would see it that way, are the people who want to see it that way.


Monday 16 September 2013

Live. Laugh. Love. Gymnastics!! :P

Okay, so i'm covered in chalk and sweat and it feels PRETTY GROSS! I would go take a shower but it's occupied so i figured i would waste some time writing a new entry instead, hehe :)

For the record, i wore a black leo with sapphire highlights and rhinestones today, with sky blue and yellow TNA short-shorts. pigtails as always, since my hair isn't long enough to tuck into a ponytail without half of it falling out.

Today, there were new students! I won't mention their names, though. There was a girl that was around my height and age (though she is totally prettier, i'm so jelly hehe), and sisters at age 12 and 8, who are adorable and from Cartwheels! However, the crying girl didn't come back :(

We started with warm-up as usual by running lines, and then we would do high knees, kick bum, inchworms, and more. donkey kicks, kick handstand with both good and bad legs, split leaps, wolf jumps (i don't have enough coordination for that...) catleaps, kicks and the straddle push thing that i hate so much.

And then something new... a front support position (so that's pushup position) with hollow back, and without bending your arms or legs, hop across the floor by pushing with your shoulders and fingers and feet. i can't really do it.

and also handstand pops, which i can sort of do, and handstand rolls, which are not difficult at all (though i cannot do straight-arm handstand rolls)

Finally, we started stretching, so normal flexibility things, bridges, splits, straddles, butterflys. but then, a new stretch, and it goes like this -

you lie back on your back with your legs in a butterfly, and your partner (or the coach in this case, because neither me nor the girl was willing to do this - it feels strange and exposing, especially since we're wearing shorts) will push your knees towards the ground. maybe it's my inflexibility, but it HURT. it felt like being crushed. i wasn't even embaressed about the position i was in anymore because it HURT. and then i start laughing because that's what i do when something hurts. o_o

we went to beam and bars first today, splitting off into two groups. my group went to beam and did forward walking, backwards walking, forward on tippy toes, and backwards on tippy toes, then switched to bars.

we would hang from the bar and lift our chins up to meet the bar, then straddle up to touch our feets to the bar, and slowly go back down, then chins up again (or not) and pike up instead, and slowly come back down. it works abs but i don't feel it o_o

back to beam! bunny hops forward and backwards, followed by kicks, dips, and tuck jumps (and i was NOT doing a tuck jump on the high beam! i learned before that straddling the beam after falling out of a tuck jump, or any jump, HURTS!!)

back to bars, and we worked on chin up pullovers, kick pullovers, cast x5, back hip circles. then we got some free time, so i did a kick pullover, a front hip circle, and almost instantly i could cast and tuck onto the low bar. then i jumped to high bar. then we went to the tumble track and we did as follows -

- straight jump x10 + handstand flatback
- tuck jump x10 + front tuck
- pike jump x10 + front layout
- straddle jump x10 + front layout / front tuck
- flysprings + trick of choice.

naturally, with the new girls, not everyone did the above as follows. sometimes we substituted the tucks and layouts for dive rolls, for the beginner girls.

Then to floor, where i worked on my back handsprings on the incline mat. it was not difficult but i was a bit worn out by that point so around 70% of it looked nice and pretty, the other 30% had bent arms or flailing legs.

The other girls worked on different things -

one worked back handsprings with me
one worked back tucks
one worked cartwheels and rolls
one worked round-offs
two worked front handsprings / back handsprings with a spotting block

then we were done, present, and off we go to eagerly await next week! :)

It was a fantabulous day - full of fun!

No trampolines, but plenty of amazingly advanced male gymnasts to watch - whilst i cannot aspire to be like that (since girls' gym and boys' gym is different) i very much enjoy watching them, since it is so close and so real, unlike how when you watch the Olympians, there is always a disconnection because it's through the TV and you don't get it - they're not there, living, breathing, encourging each other the same way you are in the same place you are.

Fabulous overall.

A bit more tired and hungry than last week, but that's alright.

I'll regret leaving RGA in winter term when i return to Phoenix. I'd stay if i could, but i cannot afford both and i really want to return to Phoenix <3

Well, that's that!! <3

^^ Till next time! :D


Monday 9 September 2013

Gym Story!

So, today was my first day of gymnastics class of the season, since summer term ended around 2 weeks ago. 

I had intially intended to return to Phoenix but since i only got on the waiting list, i decided to invest my time at RGA for the fall season instead. (of course, just my luck, they took me off the waitlist just awhile ago but then i had to refuse since i was already at RGA and my mum believes that "i can't handle the pressure" especially being in Grade 12, the crucial year, at school...) 

Anyway, i was a bit apprehensive about the whole thing since RGA is a pretty small place, and since Intermediate Girls and Teen Girls were at the same time, i just KNEW that they were gonna mush the two classes together, and hey guess what, they did! 

I don't really mind that since all the girls were working on similar skills, but i dislike being a head taller than everyone else in the class, but you know, it is what it is and i'm there to work on gymnastics, not to compare height! 

(this, and being too old, is also one of the reasons i left Cartwheels Inc. and headed off to RGA, Delta, and Phoenix a while back...) 

It was a fun class, really! It was my type of class.

At Phoenix we usually did warm-up together and sometimes did lines, then had 45 minutes of free time in which we could work on what we wanted - which is good and i am motivated! but i prefer the more competitive type class, instead of the purely recreational. 

(But yes, the class was rec and not comp) 

We went ahead with warm up and we ran back and forth a few times, hopped, straight jumped, inch-wormed... did handstand pops, variations of handstands, and all that jazz... 

there was this crazy thing where you sit in a straddle on the ground and lift up your legs, using only your arms to lift and propel yourself backwards. i can do it but my heels hit the ground every time. i think it's a progression to a straddle press. anyway, one of the older woman foreign coaches was watching me and being really strict so even though i cramped up really badly i had to continue, ehe~ 

Eventually we did a short stretch and then we were back on lines, doing front / back walkovers, as well as rolls like forward, backwards, straddle, back straddle, and eventually extension (i can't do this without hurting my hands) 

At this point one of my classmates, a little girl from the Intermediate Girls class, who actually was a beginner, went home in tears :( 

and then we did front and back handsprings and this is when the now group of four separated since we were at different levels. A male coach (as opposed to my young female coach) helped me with my back handspring and i pretty much got it right away, since i only took two weeks off, but this time, my back handsprings were able to be solid and controlled, instead of loose and uncontrollable like it was before. 

He then proceeded to tell me to do it thirty more times, and i did it as follows: 

"one....... two...... three......" (notices his attention turned to the boys he was coaching) "ten.... eleven..... ...... twenty....... twenty five...... thirty......." 

Anyway with this i think i can improve quickly since it's so structured and the teachers are great! Foreign coaches really do teach the best. They encourage enthusiastically but remain strict and harsh at the same time. I like it! 

After we went to the tumble track and worked on a few drills, as follows :

- long jumps x10 + front tuck 
- straddle jumps x10 + front pike / front handspring 
- right leg split jump x10 + front layout / front handspring 
- left leg split jump x10 + front layout / front tuck 
- bum drops x10 + flip / trick of choice 

we repeated these a few times and then eventually went to bars, where we worked briefly on glide swing to pike, and then kip training, in which we would do our swing and then go to the floor and do a variation of the v-snap, in which our feet remains in the air but we bring our upper body up to touch our toes (arms by ears), and to the beams, where we place our hands on the beam and jump-lift our hips up as high as we can. i can just about place my feet onto the beam but i lurch forward when i try. 

Then we worked on pullovers and chin up pullovers... i can get my chin to the bar but then i flail around because i can't pull my legs above the L-hand position. then some back hip circles for me, and the tiny powerhouse that trains with us, and then our 2 hours was up and we went and played a bit on the trampolines and watched the big boys train - they really are amazing! 

i hear that some of RGA's boys actually went to Russia for some crazy international event, and they (alongside some kids from various other gyms) were representing Canada. GO TEAM! 

Anyway, it was a fantabulous and fun day, but i think 2 hours is too little!!! I sort of wish i had 6 hour gym like before at Delta, but then back then it was competitive and we spent up to an hour doing warm ups and conditionings. I hate chin-ups the most. i did them like this: "one.... two.... ten.... fifteen.... twenty.... DONE!!" or avoided them altogether. hehe. 

anyway, that's really about it! 

Fantabulous first day. 

As for wardrobe, i wore a green and black rhinestoned leo from Snowflake Leotards, as well as a pair of black shorts that say "DANCE" on the booty.~ pigtails for hair~ 

Well then, this is one of my favourite things! Until next time, then! Ciao~~~~!!! 
