Monday 26 May 2014

Her ~ Royal ~ Highness ~ (note the sarcasm)

Oh goodness.

I've really done nothing but complain lately, haven't I?

I mean, sure, plenty of really good things have happened so far, but i'm pissed i just really want more people than my private diary to know about it, and also when i'm happy, it shows on my face.

Anyway, why am i pissed off right now, you ask?

Well, there's really only one name to associate with it, right?

'Cause i'm cold, sitting uncomfortably on the ground, and feeling neglected because my stupid jerk of a friend just wants to do whatever she can to irk me.

(where's she? sitting at the table.)

anyway, this is what went down.

I was sitting in the library all comfortable and cuddled on a sofa, charging my computer, browsing through the internet.

then in struts Miss Queen of the Universe her Royal Highness Majesty Duchess Madam whatever else you wanna call her, and she plops herself down in the chair opposite to me.

then she starts complaining.

i humour her even though i'm busy and feeling a bit antisocial at this point, and then she's like, "go upstairs with me."

i answer, "i have a stomachache."

her: "I'll drag you then."

me: "piggy back or no deal."

her: "let it go~ let it go~"

then she leaves the room and then quickly comes back and gestures for me to follow her, and by this point in time, i'm already feeling really incredulous.

we go to a common area that only has uncomfortable chairs and tables and there's no charger for me to use, so i use an electrical socket in the hallway, meaning that i'm sitting on the ground.

(it isn't so much i mind sitting on the ground - it's actually a helluva lot more comfortable than a chair. i mean, all that free space! given that the ground is clean of course)

what i do mind isn't that i'm sitting on the ground (while Her Royal Highness sits in a chair a few metres away from me), what i DO mind is that she's not talking to me anyway. there's LITERALLY no interaction between us.

so WHY exactly do i need to sit here and freeze my butt off?

i wouldn't mind it if i were coddled for it. i know i sound demanding. but i don't think it's too much to ask, to ask one to sit closer to me, to talk to me, or thread one's fingers through my hair. (she has a habit of doing this if i'm sitting on the ground in front of her - it's actually quite relaxing)

anyway, and then her Royal Majesty comes up and whines at me to sit with her because she doesn't want to sit alone, so i'm forced to stop charging my computer and sit beside her in an uncomfortable chair while she ignores me.

Gee, what a friendship. =_=


1 comment:

  1. Mmmm hon... You can always say "I don't want to go anywhere right now, sorry" and then tell her to f off for a day....

    I mean, you get hurt because you fly toward the light
