Friday 10 October 2014

#Blessed... Literally.


It's been awhile since i last blogged, since school's been pretty busy and all that. Buuuut... I'm back for the day~!

Anyway, just yesterday i went to see [Annabelle] with a friend of mine, and it was ~GOOD~.

It wasn't UH-MAZING but it was ~GOOD~.

The story was intriguing, the visuals are nice, the concepts are good, the scares are frightening.

I can't say i was a fan of the ending though, i guess i can even say, i downright hated it. AND it followed the very generic horror story plotline, which is all fine and dandy and all, its just that i could totally see it coming.

And since it's advertised as, "Before the Conjuring, there was Annabelle," I think i'm going to stream the Conjuring next.

Although, i totally couldn't sleep that night, since my bed's a mess (like my closet threw up on my bed) so i've been sleeping on the floor. And right at the foot of my "new bed," i have a bookcase, and on top is piled tons and tons of plushies and also an Alice doll. (which isn't really doll-like but i disgress).

So while i slept peacefully at first, i woke up sometime in the middle of the night while remembering a scene from [Annabelle], looked up, saw Alice, and began to freak out a little bit while still being lucid.

And thinking back, that brings us to the post of today, in which i am #Blessed. Literally.

A long time ago, I remember my grandparents saying that they would bathe me in rice water with some sort of healing leaves, when i was still a baby. Since i wouldn't stop crying. (Colic?)

Which in itself is nothing unusual, until you take into account the various legends and myths and superstitions that old Asian people subscribe to, which totally sort of freaks me out.

But that is a thing of the past.

More recently (not actually recent) when i was about 5 to 7, i remember being in a temple.

Being #blessed.

Like, standing in front of some sort of statue, there were a lot of priests and incense sticks, chanting, and someone drew something in red on my back.

...very #Blessed indeed.

At any rate i also remember the ink being really itchy so afterwards i insisted on washing it off. Which i can't remember if my wishes were respected or not, but in any case...

This spring, too, when i went, i remember people insisted on "blessing" me at the temple. This time, i was adamant on not doing it - my holiday is already short, i wanted to spend as much of it as possible enjoying myself, and readily refused to be "blessed."

What it comes down to, i still don't know.

Was it a tradition?

Was it protection?

did they see something that i can't see?

I still don't know, and i don't think anyone will ever explain anything to me.

At any case, i'm still a fairly paranoid person and a very big scaredy cat too.

I hope it's nothing that a horror story can be written about la~


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