Thursday 31 October 2013

A Happy Halloween and HOW TO - Carve a Pumpkin !

So... I decided Thursday is the best time to post new fun things!!

Happy Halloween BTW!! Hope everyone got wonderful treats and delicious foods... :3

Yesterday i was carving pumpkins with Mango and our little buddy at school, see, and of course, it was a lot of fun!

Here are our tips on how to... carve pumpkins! The creepy Mango and Rere way!

Let's get started!!


1) find a table that's all wet. because everyone likes wet pumpkins that slide everywhere when you go after it with a knife.

2) start carving the top! But make sure the hole is too tiny so you need to hack it to pieces before you can scoop the insides out!

3) Allow Mango to scoop the insides out - but of course, you know you will be the one to finish the job!

4) Wash the pumpkin. No, seriously. Take it to the sink and wash the insides. Because that's the only way to carve pumpkins.

5) Accidently carve someone's arm instead of the pumpkin. And then laugh. >:3

6) try to carve the pumpkin but find that you can't, so hand the carver to Re-Re instead.

7) Re-re will now carve the pumpkin - like a professional.

8) Finish!

9) get plastic candles.

10) try to open plastic candles

11) Can't open plastic candles

12) ask , "can i bite it?" while staring at the switch

13) "No"

14) put pumpkin in hallway and camwhore with the little five year old child that you carved the pumpkin with

15) get blown off by said child

16) clean up pumpkin goop

17) never see pumpkin again, even though you broke your back making it. :/


and THAT, is how you CARVE A PUMPKIN, Ladies and Gents! ^^

See you next time ! <3


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