Monday 4 November 2013

Gymnastics is NOT exponential growth!!

Monday again! Happy Monday!! Happy Favourite Things post!!


Anyway, Monday rolls around again and it's time for gymnastics ! But slowly and slowly gymnastics slips from being "my favourite thing" because i am not learning a lot and i am not improving a lot, and with school weighing down on me, it's getting more and more difficult to keep up, since my body is just SO exhuasted from school that i cannot really do well in gymnastics!

Anyway, we started out on the Tumble Trak today which is good, since i really do dislike lines! We do the per usual, jumping and hopping, and at the end, handstand flatback, or dive rolls, or front tuck, or front layout.

Handstand flatback is easy peasy lemon squeezy, dive rolls are okay but disorienting (can't really do them on a soft surface, yanno?) i love front tucks, and front layouts still don't flow with me.


We only did floor today which is perfectly fine with me!

We started doing easy skills first, like kick handstand from both legs, and handstand pops, handstand walking - which i got a stroke of luck in and managed to hold out for 1/3 of the length we were walking ;)

Also, front limbers, straddle roll to incurve rocking, and things like that.

Cartwheels, standing round offs, power hurdle round offs,

And eventually we split into groups.

the littler girls were working on things i cannot really remember. me and three other girls were doing back walkovers and front walkovers.

Eventually we moved onto our own stations, i was doing front handspring step-outs, a girl my age was doing round off back handsprings, the other was working standing back handsprings (which i think is actually harder since it lacks the momentum of the round off rebound) and the other worked on back walkovers with a one foot take-off

I also did some side aerials which i achieved a few times before but today i guess i was exhausted so i was unable to... :(

The girl my age could do a front aerial though ;) amazing! <3

We ended playing a game of Octopus and there was a lot of running and giggling.

I'm a fast runner although my stamina is not high. I was last to be caught.

But i fail at being the Octopus!

I get distracted because everyone is running, and this is a bit sad but, at one point, i cried out, "why can't i catch anyone?!"

And a boy, a cute ribbed boy, called to me, "you gotta focus on one person! right now you're like a dog!" and i'm sure he meant because dogs are easily distracted, but i was like, o_o; well that's rude... anyway.

SAD! *humph!*

BTW look forward to Wednesday or Thursday for some old pixelated horror game reviews ! ^^

Halloween just passed so i spent a lot of time on these. :P I like it more than modern horror games ^^

Mostly because modern games are either too creepy, or too gorey, and if it's gorey i feel like puking, if it's creepy then i need a companion but no one wants to play with me :( So then i just scream and hide and run around like a headless chicken while my character dies. ><;

So.... YEAH.

Newest Pokemon came out lately... I'm not allowed to get it though, because i haven't been accepted to a university yet. Phooey. Hurry up and accept me, universities............... Q_Q

~Re Re~

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