Wednesday 29 January 2014

Gymnastics at a new Gym!

So, i didn't get around to posting last night since i was writing my university applications (only one offer so far, i'm hoping to get accepted at all five i applied for, but that'd take a MIRACLE!) and i was thrilled.


I will now summarize yesterday's events although it is a day late. my apologies.

Anyway, i realize that this class runs on both Tuesday and Thursday (but i only do Tuesday classes) and we had a lot less students than original. This time we were down to about 8 people i think?

I like classes with lesser people more, cuz then we're more unified and it's easier to teach, instead of having girls (and boys) run around everywhere.

Like the first time, we started out by running in circles. ran and ran and ran until i was about to die, did chasses and high knees and all that stuff. i swore i was going to DIE.

and then long jumps and low bunny hops, and then we got into two lines to do skills.

One thing i can say about the class is that the skill levels are VERY spread out. it's not a bad thing by itself, but then it's a bit harder to teach and learn, IMO.

After doing cartwheels, one hand cartwheels, other hand, hopping, rolling, straddle rolls, back rolls, and basically everything except handstands (why not???) we finally got around to stretching.

the girl next to me told me that i had a very flexible back ;)

i am quite proud of that, since it's the only thing i'm flexible at. XD

and then after stretching we got some free time.

Everyone sort of gathered together at first to do back handspring drills…

but then everyone was very hesitant and didn't really want to go first.

Eventually, we migrated to the floor, and i dragged the big cheese mat out onto the big floor (and one girl helped me, thank goodness for her, that thing was so heavy!)

and i worked on back handsprings, and learned that despite taking nearly two months off, i can still do them with relative ease. the incline was a bit too soft, though, for my preference.


I also did some front walkovers on a line, and then the girl with the highest skills asked if i can do an elbow stand and go into an elbow bridge.

and yes, i can. and i can also roll out of it, backwards.

so me and her and another girl i knew from summer classes played around doing elbow stands and stuff, and then (DRUMROLL) time for conditioning!

-10 burpees
-10 rocks on all sides (front, back, sides)
-10 crunches (using straddle and tuck, that's 10 for both)
-15 mountain climbers (two different types, 15 each)
-10 press trainers (basically, training to eventually do a press handstand)

and a few more that i can't really remember.

Basically, i was flailing around a lot since my stomach muscles are weak.

it was VEEEERY tiring.

but thank goodness, this time was very, very fun!! <3

And today (the day after) I am not even that sore! Isn't that wonderful?

Well, that's about it then….

Look forward to next time's post, onegai~! <3


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