Friday 8 November 2013

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Why, game, why???!!!

I started writing an entry for yesterday as promised, but i didn't finish, since i got sidetracked...

and then promptly ran into one of my most unfavourite things ever!!!

I could fix it probably, but.. but..

Okay, let's lay the story first, and i'll try not to sound too bitter about it, although it is quite difficult for me to not sound bitter from it, given that it involves a guy, a really cute guy,

a fictional guy, but a guy nonetheless.

Alright, so, excuse me for sounding silly but i guess i always sound silly so i have nothing to defend myself with...

Okay... [deep breath]

I was playing Fire Emblem Awakening and i realized that in Chapter 6 there is a recruitable character named Gaius. He is TOTALLY cute. He's SO adorable.

And just my luck, i probably had him killed or something i don't actually know.

Chapter 6 was a LONG time ago.

[sobs loudly] this is so UNFAIR!! I wish someone had TOLD me!! [sob, sniffle, cry]

I must sound so undignified right now but it's really difficult to keep my cool sometimes Q_Q

I'd totally go back, as in, start over, just to recruit him... (and two others that i forgot about) but at the same time, i really, really don't want to...

I mean, i've spent a lot of time fighting Risen on the map just to get my characters to gain levels, i really don't feel like starting all over again.

I wish i knew what to do... I can't decide, can't decide, can't decide :(

And now i am wondering if i can access all the children... Can i? can i? If i can't then i really don't care that i missed some characters...

[deep, woeful sigh]

It's sad that i had to post a sad entry but i suppose it couldn't be helped.

I needed to say it somewhere, to someone.

and everybody i know doesn't give a fig about this kind of stuff.

I wish someone would give a fig but then i suppose that's what blogs are for... maybe.. haha~

Well, that's really frustrating!!!

i suppose i'll go do some research on this... and if all children are accessible despite not recruiting certain characters...

then i won't give a fig either.

but he's a good character.

he's no weakling.

so i'd be sad anyways.




For the matter, i paired up My Unit with Chrom. Because they're SO KAWAII DESU NE. haha...

I was considering pairing My Unit with Lon'Qu because that's also SO KAWAII DESU NE. i know they're not exactly canon pairings but I don't give a fig. they're cute.

Oh, Lon'Qu is paired with Lissa for me. because [you know what i'm gunna say.. hehe~]

I think none of my pairings, except Nowi and Gregor, are canon. I also don't intend them to be canon. I do my own thing. ;) It's cuter that way! :D

Although there was someone... i think it was Cordelia... maybe i'm wrong... (since i dont really use her i don't really know...) that i will put in a canon pairing... (deep sigh)

and i'll say something else, some of you might not want to hear it, if you don't, then don't scroll down!!

Chrom and Lon'Qu... i totally ship it <3 XDD <3 <3 <3

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